OurNet::Site - Extract web pages via templates


use LWP::Simple;
use OurNet::Site;

my ($query, $hits) = ('autrijus', 10);
my $found;

# Create a bot
$bot = OurNet::Site->new('google');

# Parse the result got from LWP::Simple
$bot->callme($self, 0, get($bot->geturl($query, $hits)), \&callmeback);

print '*** ' . ($found ? $found : 'No') . ' match(es) found.';

# Callback routine
sub callmeback {
    my ($self, $himself) = @_;

    foreach my $entry (@{$himself->{response}}) {
        if ($entry->{url}) {
            print "*** [$entry->{title}]" .
                     " ($entry->{score})" .
                   " - [$entry->{id}]\n"  .
             "    URL: [$entry->{url}]\n" .
                   "    $entry->{preview}\n";


This module parses results returned from a typical search engine by reading a 'site descriptor' file defining its aspects, and parses results on-the-fly accordingly.

Since v1.52, OurNet::Site uses site descriptors in Template toolkit format with extention '.tt2' by default. The template should contains at least one [% FOREACH entry %] block, and [% SET url.start %] accordingly.

Alternatively, you can use a special XML format for site descriptor. See the .xml files in the Site directory for examples.

Finally, it also takes Inforia Quest .fmt-style site descriptors, available at The author of course cannot support this usage.

Note that tt2 support is *highly* experimental and should not be relied upon until a more stable release comes.


Probably lots. Most notably the 'More' facilities is lacking. Also there is no template-generating abilities. This is a must, but I couldn't find enough motivation to do it. Maybe you could.

Currently, tt2 does not (quite) support incremental parsing in conjunction with OurNet::Query.

Also, the XML spec of site descriptor is not well-formed, let alone of a complete DTD description.


OurNet::Template, OurNet::Query


Autrijus Tang <>


Copyright 2001 by Autrijus Tang <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
