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Test - Test support module for perl6


  use v6;
  require Test;
  plan 10;
  ok(2 + 2 == 4, '2 and 2 make 4');
  is(2 + 2, 4, '2 and 2 make 4');
  isa_ok([1, 2, 3], 'List');
  todo_ok(2 + 2 == 5, '2 and 2 make 5');
  todo_is(2 + 2, 5, '2 and 2 make 5');  
  todo_isa_ok({'one' => 1}, 'Hash');
  pass('This test passed');
  fail('This test failed');

  skip('skip this test for now');
  todo_fail('this fails, but might work soon');
  diag('some misc comments and documentation');


This module was built to facilitate the Pugs test suite. It has the distinction of being the very first module written for Pugs.

It provides a simple set of common test utility functions, and is an implementation of the TAP protocol.

This module, like Pugs, is a work in progress. As new features are added to Pugs, new test functions will be defined to facilitate the testing of those features. For more information see the FUTURE PLANS section of this document.


- `plan (Int $number_of_tests) returns Int`

All tests need a plan. A plan is simply the number of tests which are expected to run. This should be specified at the very top of your tests.

- `test_log_file (Str $filename) returns Str`

If you specify a log file, any failed tests will log some diagnostics there. The filename 'test.log' is recommended.

== Testing Functions

- `ok (Bool $cond, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `is (Str $got, Str $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `cmp_ok (Str $got, Code $compare_func, Str $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

This function will compare `$got` and `$expected` using `$compare_func`. This will eventually allow Test::More-style cmp_ok() though the following syntax:

  cmp_ok('test', &infix:<gt>, 'me', '... testing gt on two strings');

However the `&infix:<gt>` is currently not implemented, so you will have to wait a little while. Until then, you can just write your own functions like this:

  cmp_ok('test', sub ($a, $b) { ?($a gt $b) }, 'me', '... testing gt on two strings');

- `isa_ok ($ref, Str $expected_type, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

This function currently on checks with ref() since we do not yet have object support. Once object support is created, we will add it here, and maintain backwards compatibility as well.

- `eval_ok (Str $code, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `eval_is (Str $code, $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

These functions will eval a code snippet, and then pass the result to is or ok on success, or report that the eval was not successful on failure.

== TODO Testing functions

Sometimes a test is broken because something is not implemented yet. So in order to still allow that to be tested, and those tests to knowingly fail, we provide a set of todo_* functions for all the basic test functions.

- `todo_ok (Bool $cond, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `todo_is (Str $got, Str $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `todo_cmp_ok (Str $got, Code $compare_func, Str $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `todo_isa_ok ($ref, Str $expected_type, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `todo_eval_ok (Str $code, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

- `todo_eval_is (Str $code, $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

== Misc. Functions

- `skip (Str ?$reason) returns Bool`

If for some reason a test is to be skipped, you can use this function to do so.

- `pass (Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

Sometimes what you need to test does not fit into one of the standard testing functions. In that case, you can use the rather blunt pass() functions and its compliment the fail() function.

- `fail (Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

This is the opposite of pass()

- `todo_fail (Str ?$desc) returns Bool`

On occasion, one of these odd tests might fail, but actually be a TODO item. So we give you todo_fail() for just such an occasion.

- `diag (Str $diag)`

This will print each string with a '#' character appended to it, this is ignored by the TAP protocol.


This module is still a work in progress. As Pugs grows, so will it's testing needs. This module will be the code support for those needs. The following is a list of future features planned for this module.

- better error handling for cmp_ok

The error handling capabilities need to be expanded more to handle the error reporting needs of the cmp_ok() function.

- is_deeply

Once nested data structures are implemented, we will need an easy way to test them. So we will implement the Test::More function is_deeply. The plan currently is to implement this as a mutually recursive multi- sub which will be able to handle structures of arbitrary depth and of an arbitrary type. The function signatures will likely look something like this:

  multi sub is_deeply (Array @got, Array @expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool;  
  multi sub is_deeply (List  $got, List  $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool;    
  multi sub is_deeply (Hash  %got, Hash  %expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool;      
  multi sub is_deeply (Pair  $got, Pair  $expected, Str ?$desc) returns Bool;  

Because these functions will be mutually recursive, they will easily be able handle arbitrarily complex data structures automatically (at least that is what I hope).

- like

This is similar to the Test::More like() function. It will take a regular expression reference and compare it with a given string.

- throws_ok, lives_ok

These are functions taken directly from Test::Exception. They will accept a block to execute and then either an Exception type, a reg-exp or a string to match against the error.


Setting the environment variable TEST_LOG_FILE sets the default filename where test diagnostics should be written.


The Perl 5 Test modules

- Test

- Test::More

Information about the TAP protocol can be found in the Test::Harness distribution.


Aurtrijus Tang <>

Benjamin Smith

Norman Nunley

Steve Peters

Stevan Little <>

Brian Ingerson <>

Jesse Vincent <>

Yuval Kogman <>

Nathan Gray <>


Copyright (c) 2005. Autrijus Tang. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 187:

Unknown directive: =kwid