Changes for version 0.23 - 2010-03-11
- Increase test coverage, coverage is now up to 92.5%
- Random reply tests were disabled for MySQL for no reason. They're now enabled.
- Rewording the Hailo UPGRADE section
- Re-arrange the Storage::DBD* code to be more Moosy and use roles as they should be used
- Remove dead test code in Hailo::Test that was used for flat hash backends who couldn't generate random replies
- Test the ->ready() storage method on all backends as part of Hailo::Test
- Test Hailo::stats() on all backends as part of Hailo::Test
- Test the bin/hailo script directly if Test::Script::Run is available.
A pluggable Markov engine analogous to MegaHAL
A role which adds an 'arguments' attribute
A role representing a Hailo storage backend
A role representing a Hailo tokenizer
A role representing a Hailo UI
A base class for Hailo DBD storage backends
A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::Pg
A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::SQLite
A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::mysql
A character tokenizer for Hailo
A tokenizer for Hailo which splits on whitespace, mostly.
A UI for Hailo using Term::ReadLine