
Bot::Cobalt IRC bot frontend
Export Bot::Cobalt::DB databases to YAML
Install example plugin confs
A role for language set loading
Bot::Cobalt plugin authoring reference
Cobalt config file primer
Packaging Cobalt plugins
Let's write a simple plugin


IRC darkbot-alike plus plugin authoring sugar
Import commonly-used tools and constants
Parse Cobalt configuration files
Bot::Cobalt core and event syndicator
Base class for context-related metadata
ContextMeta class for Auth
Easy configuration accessors
A role for managing a collection of Servers
A role for managing a timer pool
Plugin unload role for Bot::Cobalt
Exported sugar for Bot::Cobalt plugins
Locking Berkeley DBs with serialization
Helper utils for Bot::Cobalt frontends
Standard Cobalt IRC-bridging plugin
Base class for IRC event information
IRC Event subclass for channel events
IRC Event subclass for kick events
IRC Event subclass for mode changes
IRC Event subclass for nick changes
IRC Event subclass for user quits
IRC Event subclass for topic changes
Flood check utils for Bot::Cobalt
Represent an incoming IRC message
Public message subclass
An IRC server context
Timed IRC highlights
User management and auth plugin
Issue DNS queries from IRC
Dump internal state information
Simple karma bot plugin
Currency conversion plugin
Multiplex IRC channels
Shorten URLs via Metamark
Temperature conversion
Some silly IRC games
Ask the Magic 8-ball
Enhanced text-triggered responses
Basic bot master commands
IRC plugin manager
Cobalt "random stuff" plugin
Asynchronous RDB deep search
Simple in-memory cache
Rehash config or langs on-the-fly
IRC 'seen' plugin
Retrieve bot version and info
Asynchronous HTTP requests from Cobalt plugins
Simple serialization wrapper
Cobalt timer objects
Utilities for Cobalt plugins


in lib/Bot/Cobalt/Core/Role/
in lib/Bot/Cobalt/Frontend/
in lib/Bot/Cobalt/Plugin/RDB/AsyncSearch/
in lib/Bot/Cobalt/Plugin/RDB/