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Bot::Cobalt::Core - Bot::Cobalt core and event syndicator
This module is the core of Bot::Cobalt, tying an event syndicator (via POE::Component::Syndicator and Object::Pluggable) into a Log::Handler instance, configuration manager, and other useful tools.
Core is a singleton; within a running Cobalt instance, you can always retrieve the Core via the instance method:
require Bot::Cobalt::Core;
my $core = Bot::Cobalt::Core->instance;
You can also query to find out if Core has been properly instanced:
if ( Bot::Cobalt::Core->is_instanced ) {
If you 'use Bot::Cobalt;' you can also access the Core singleton instance via the core()
exported sugar:
use Bot::Cobalt;
core->log->info("I'm here now!")
See Bot::Cobalt::Core::Sugar for details.
Public methods are documented in "Core methods" in Bot::Cobalt::Manual::Plugins and the classes & roles listed below.
Bot::Cobalt::Manual::Plugins - Cobalt plugin authoring manual
Bot::Cobalt::IRC - IRC bridge / events
Custom frontends
It's actually possible to write custom frontends to spawn a Cobalt instance; Bot::Cobalt::Core just needs to be initialized with a valid configuration hash and spawned via POE::Kernel's run() method.
A configuration hash is typically created by Bot::Cobalt::Conf:
my $cconf = Bot::Cobalt::Conf->new(
etc => $path_to_etc_dir,
my $cfg_hash = $cconf->read_cfg;
. . . then passed to Bot::Cobalt::Core before the POE kernel is started:
## Instance a Bot::Cobalt::Core singleton
## Further instance() calls will return the singleton
cfg => $cfg_hash,
var => $path_to_var_dir,
## See perldoc Log::Handler regarding log levels:
loglevel => $loglevel,
## Debug levels:
debug => $debug,
## Indicate whether or not we're forked to the background:
detached => $detached,
Frontends have to worry about fork()/exec() on their own.
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>