Bot::Cobalt::Lang -- A role for language set loading


use Moo;
with 'Bot::Cobalt::Lang';
## Load an initial langset out of $etcdir/langs/ :
$self->lang( $self->load_langset('english') );


Provides language set loading for the Cobalt core (and plugins that want to load their own langset, if you'd like -- just use "load_langset" as a class method or consume this role).

Langsets should be in a YAML format readable by YAML::XS (YAML1.1).

IMPORTANT: Langset names are automatically lowercased. Bear this in mind when naming langsets for plugins. They should always be lowercase.

Responses are expected to be found in the YAML langset's 'RPL:' key. (The corresponding hash is what is actually returned when loading a set.)

Typically the keys of the 'RPL' hash contain values which are strings potentially containing variables formattable by rplprintf from Bot::Cobalt::Utils.

Inspect etc/langs/english.yml for an example.

The core English langset is built in to this module at install time. Missing values in the loaded language set will be automatically filled by the compiled-in English set, unless this is a prefixed plugin set.

Be sure to read the Bot::Cobalt::Utils documentation for more on variable replacement with rplprintf.



Load a specified language set, converting it into a hash.

If passed a single argument, loads the specified .yml file out of $etcdir/langs/:

## done by cobalt core to (re)load the ->lang hash:
$core->lang( $core->load_langset('english') );

If passed two arguments, the second argument is considered to be a path prefix. Plugins can use this to read in a langset file, if they like:

## using Bot::Cobalt::Lang outside of $core (as a class)
require Bot::Cobalt::Lang;
my $etc = $core->cfg->{path};  ## location of our etc/
## read in etc/langs/plugin/myplugin-english.yml:
my $prefix = $etc . "/langs/plugin/myplugin-";
my $rpl_hash = Bot::Cobalt::Lang->load_langset('english', $prefix);

It is generally advisable that plugins don't modify the $core->lang hash unless they are also part of the core distribution.

That being said, if you do so, you may want to check for rehashes (if the core reloads ->lang, your changes will go missing).


Events are emitted if load_langset is accessed via a Bot::Cobalt::Core instance.


Syndicated when a language set is loaded.

${$_[0]} is the (lowercased) langset name.

${$_[1]} is the path to the set that was loaded.


Syndicated when there is some problem loading a langset.

A string describing the general problem is the only argument.

If an appropriate logger is available, the error will also be logged to the 'debug' loglevel.


Jon Portnoy <>