Why not adopt me?
This distribution is up for adoption!
If you're interested then please contact the PAUSE module admins via
Changes for version 0.03 - 2012-04-15
- Report::Server->status(); report empty string, not undef Makes it easier to test status strings.
- Tweak examples/chart_users_cron.pl
- Trawl::Multi: Properly cleanup when finished Shorter initial check alarm (Trawl::Multi still sucks; use Trawl::Bot.)
- t/ expanded; Add Test::Cmd tests, improve others. Add Trawl::Multi test.
Serve IRC::Indexer JSON over HTTP
Trawl a single server for network information
Example indexer frontends
Export format for a network
Export format for a single server
IRC server stats collection via POE
Handle Indexer configuration files
Simple interface to Log::Handler
Turn trawler output into something useful
Data::Dumper output subclass
JSON::XS output subclass
YAML::XS output subclass
Forkable JSON encoder
Forkable Trawl::Bot session
Network information class for IRC::Indexer
Server information class for IRC::Indexer
Indexing trawler instance
Forking Trawl::Bot instances
Trawl multiple IRC servers