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MooX::Role::DependsOn - Add a dependency tree to your cows
package Task;
use Moo;
with 'MooX::Role::DependsOn';
sub execute {
my ($self) = @_;
# ... do stuff ...
package main;
# Create some objects that consume MooX::Role::DependsOn:
my $job = {};
for my $jobname (qw/ A B C D E /) {
$job->{$jobname} = Task->new
# Add some dependencies:
# A depends on B, D:
$job->{A}->depends_on( $job->{B}, $job->{D} );
# B depends on C, E:
$job->{B}->depends_on( $job->{C}, $job->{E} );
# C depends on D, E:
$job->{C}->depends_on( $job->{D}, $job->{E} );
# Resolve dependencies (recursively) for an object:
my @ordered = $job->{A}->dependency_schedule;
# Scheduled as ( D, E, C, B, A ):
for my $obj (@ordered) {
A Moo::Role that adds a dependency graph builder to your class; objects with this role applied can (recursively) depend on other objects with this role applied to produce an ordered list of dependencies.
This is useful for applications such as job ordering (see the SYNOPSIS) and resolving software dependencies.
An object's dependency_tag is used to perform the actual resolution; the tag should be a stringifiable value that is unique within the tree.
Defaults to the stringified value of $self
If passed no arguments, returns the current direct dependencies of the object as a list.
If passed objects that are MooX::Role::DependsOn consumers (or used as an attribute during object construction), the objects are pushed to the current dependency list.
Clears the current dependency list for this object.
Returns boolean true if the object has dependencies.
This method recursively resolves dependencies and returns an ordered 'schedule' (as a list of objects). See the "SYNOPSIS" for an example.
An exception is thrown if circular dependencies are detected.
A callback can be passed in; for each successful resolution, the callback will be invoked against the root object we started with and passed in the resolved object, the sorted ARRAY of scheduled nodes thus far, and an unsorted ARRAY of item "dependency_tag" values we are currently in the process of resolving:
my @ordered = $startnode->dependency_schedule(
callback => sub {
my ($root, $node, $resolved, $queued_tags) = @_;
# ...
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>
Licensed under the same terms as Perl.