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Object::ArrayType::New - Inject constants & constructors for ARRAY-type objects
package MyObject;
use strict; use warnings;
use Object::ArrayType::New
[ foo => 'FOO', bar => 'BAR' ];
sub foo { shift->[FOO] }
sub bar { shift->[BAR] ||= [] }
package main;
my $obj = MyObject->new(foo => 'baz');
my $foo = $obj->foo; # baz
my $bar = $obj->bar; # []
A common thing I find myself doing looks something like:
package MySimpleObject;
use strict; use warnings;
sub TAG () { 0 }
sub BUF () { 1 }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_ > 1 ? @_ : %{ $_[0] };
bless [
$params{tag}, # TAG
($params{buffer} || []) # BUF
], $class
sub tag { shift->[TAG] }
sub buffer { shift->[BUF] }
... when I'd rather be doing something more like the "SYNOPSIS".
This tiny module takes a list of pairs mapping a new()
parameter to the name of a constant representing the parameter's position in the backing ARRAY. If the constant's name is boolean false, the uppercased parameter name is taken as the name of the constant.
An appropriate constructor is generated and installed, as well as constants that can be used within the class to index into the $self
The generated constructor takes parameters as either a list of pairs or a single HASH. Parameters not specified at construction time are undef
That's it; no accessors, no defaults, no type-checks, no required attributes, nothing fancy. Class::Method::Modifiers may be convenient there; the above example could be written something like:
use Object::ArrayType::New [ tag => '', buffer => 'BUF' ];
sub tag { shift->[TAG] }
sub buffer { shift->[BUF] }
use Class::Method::Modifers;
around new => sub {
my ($orig, $class) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $self = $class->$orig(@_);
$self->[BUF] = [] unless defined $self->[BUF];
is true, generated code is printed to STDERR before being evaluated.
Constants aren't currently sanity-checked ahead of time; attempting to use invalid identifiers will result in 'Illegal declaration ...' failures.
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>