Changes for version 0.001002 - 2014-08-03

  • Issue a warning when queuing app-side on EFSM. The socket is probably not being used as intended, but since our sockets should never block, it's still maybe valid to queue up messages headed to REP (for example). Application-side queue management is definitely not finalized; this behavior is likely to change.
  • Add 'ipv6' attr to handle appropriate socket options automatically
  • Port a couple of examples/ from the deprecated POEx-ZMQ3 dist
  • Be smarter about choosing ipc:// endpoints for tests
  • Expanded tests (somewhat, test suite is still woefully incomplete)


Asynchronous ZeroMQ sockets for POE
ZeroMQ (3 + 4) constants for use with POEx::ZMQ
Minimalist ZMQ FFI wrapper for POEx::ZMQ
A POE-enabled ZeroMQ socket


in lib/POEx/ZMQ/FFI/