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This distribution is up for adoption!
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Changes for version 0.004001 - 2014-09-25
- Delay write retries on EAGAIN/EINTR/EFSM
- Fix $async_socket->set_socket_opt to return $async_socket
- Cache FFI objects for a given libzmq
- Track upstream ZMQ::FFI; use a larger max message size
- Track upstream ZMQ::FFI; apply flags to each part of a multipart send
- Minor optimizations & bugfixes
- Minor test expansion
Asynchronous ZeroMQ sockets for POE
ZeroMQ (3 + 4) constants for use with POEx::ZMQ
libzmq3+ FFI wrapper for POEx::ZMQ
Backend ZeroMQ context objects for POEx::ZMQ
A POE-enabled ZeroMQ socket
Type-Tiny types for use with POEx::ZMQ
in lib/POEx/ZMQ/FFI/Cached.pm
in lib/POEx/ZMQ/FFI/Callable.pm