The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Types::Standard -all;
# byname
my $request = Weather::OpenWeatherMap::Request->new_for(
Forecast =>
api_key => 'abcde',
tag => 'foo',
location => 'Manchester, NH',
ok $request->days == 7, 'default days ok';
cmp_ok $request->url,
'url ok';
# bycoord
$request = Weather::OpenWeatherMap::Request->new_for(
Forecast =>
tag => 'foo',
location => 'lat 42, long 24',
cmp_ok $request->url,
'url ok (lat/long)';
# bycode
$request = Weather::OpenWeatherMap::Request->new_for(
Forecast =>
tag => 'foo',
location => 5089178,
cmp_ok $request->url,
'url ok (city code)';