LEGO::Colors - Set of LEGO Color data
use LEGO::Colors;
use strict;
my @system_names = LEGO::Colors->get_all_system_names();
my %color_map = LEGO::Colors->get_color_names_for_system(
'system' => 'Peeron',
my $green = LEGO::Colors->get_color("Green");
my $gray = LEGO::Colors->get_color(
color => "Light Gray",
'system' => "BrickLink",
This is a data storage class used to maintain a list of commonly used LEGO colors and their associated RGB values. See LEGO::Color for more information.
Different online sources of LEGO information use slightly different names for LEGO colors. I have chose a set of names to consider the "default", and those names are used in this module as the default color names. A color name aliasing system is available for access to names from other sources. Please see the SYSTEMS section of the documentation for more information.
All color and system names are case and whitespace INsensitive. That is, "Dark Red", "darkred" and "dA RkrE d" are all considered the same.
- get_all_system_names
Returns a list of all known color naming system names. Takes no arguments.
- get_color_names_for_system
Returns a hash mapping default color names to their equivalent color names in the provided system. Takes one named argument, "system", which is optional. If omitted, default color names will be mapped to themselves, otherwise they will be mapped to the color names from the specified naming system.
- get_color
Returns a LEGO::Color object representing the color named by the input arguments. Can take arguments in two forms; if a single string value is provided then it is assumed to be the color name from the default naming system. Otherwise, arguments can be passed as name => value pairs. The currently supported arguments are 'color', which is required, and 'system', which is optional and will default to the default system if not provided.
The following colors are available, named here using the default naming system:
Color Name RGB Value Pantone CMYK Value
Black 033 033 033 Hex Black 001 001 001 100
Blue 000 087 166 2945C 100 045 000 014
Brown 097 048 005 732C 000 055 100 064
Dark Blue 000 048 092 540C 100 055 000 055
Dark Gray 112 112 097 417C 001 000 025 065
Dark Orange 179 084 008 471C 000 059 100 018
Dark Pink 209 097 156 674C 009 067 000 000
Dark Red 133 054 015 1685C 000 068 100 044
Green 000 130 074 348C 100 000 085 024
Light Gray 163 161 153 7539C 002 000 009 036
Light Green 061 212 133 7479C 055 000 050 000
Light Orange 247 163 010 137C 000 035 090 000
Light Violet 171 176 199 536C 031 020 005 000
Light Yellow 247 214 125 134C 000 011 045 000
Lime Green 158 171 005 383C 020 000 100 019
Maersk Blue 092 186 204 631C 067 000 012 002
Medium Blue 120 150 207 659C 055 030 000 000
Orange 242 125 000 151C 000 048 095 000
Pearl Light Gray 135 135 133 Cool Gray 9 000 001 000 051
Purple 110 018 115 2612C 064 100 000 014
Red 189 056 038 180C 000 079 100 011
Sand Blue 092 120 143 5415C 042 008 000 040
Sand Green 112 130 112 5625C 028 000 029 048
Sand Red 153 112 089 4715C 000 042 045 034
Tan 214 191 145 7502C 000 008 035 010
Teal 000 138 128 3282C 100 000 046 015
White 232 227 217 Cool Gray 1 000 000 000 006
Yellow 247 209 023 116C 000 016 100 000
The preceeding data was harvested, with permission, from the wonderful LEGO color page found at The color names above represent the default naming system to which all other names are relative.
Each system has a name an then a list of color name mappings, from the default name to that system's name. Cases where the names are the same will be omitted, so these lists will only contain areas of contention. All color systems contain entries for all colors.
The following alternate naming systems are available:
System Name: Peeron
Default Name Peeron Name
Dark Blue NavyBlue
Dark Gray DkGray
Dark Orange DkOrange
Dark Pink DkPink
Dark Red DkRed
Light Gray Gray
Light Green LtGreen
Light Orange LtOrange
Light Violet LtViolet
Light Yellow LtYellow
Lime Green Lime
Medium Blue MdBlue
Pearl Light Gray PearlLtGray
The information above represents the color names used by the amazingly good LEGO inventory website, Peeron, at The color information was gathered from their color chart, at:
System Name: Bricklink
Default Name Bricklink Name
Lime Green Lime
The inforation above represents the color names used by the (unofficial) LEGO marketplace website, BrickLink, at The color information was gathered from their color chart, at:
If your favorite naming system is missing, or the data provided here is inaccurate or incomplete, please feel free to get in touch with me and I will make any appropriate modifications to a future release of this module. Note that it is also possible for you to make modifications to this file in your local installation and thus provide any desired color naming system.
Future Work
Adding more colors to both default and alternate naming systems.
Known Issues
None at this time.
Copyright 2004 Avi Finkel <>
This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this software. The official Lego website is at
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 363:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'LEGO®'. Assuming CP1252