Algorithm::BitVector --- A memory efficient packed representation of arbitrary sized bit arrays and for logical and arithmetic operations on such arrays.


use Algorithm::BitVector;

# Constructing a given sized bitvector of all zeros:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( size => 7 );
print "$bv\n";                                   # 0000000

# Constructing a bitvector whose integer value is specified:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 123456 );
print "$bv\n";                                    # 11110001001000000                          
print int($bv);                                   # 123456

# Constructing a bitvector from a very large integer:
use Math::BigInt;
$x = Math::BigInt->new('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890');
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => $x );
# Constructing a bitvector from a given bit string:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '00110011' );
# Constructing a bitvector from an ASCII text string:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( textstring => "hello\njello" );

# Constructing a bitvector from a hex string:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( hexstring => "68656c6c6f" );

# Constructing a bitvector from a bit list passed as an anonymous array:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitlist => [1, 1, 0, 1] );

# Constructing a bitvector from the contents of a disk file:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( filename => 'testinput.txt' );
$bv1 = $bv->read_bits_from_file(64);         # bitvector from the first 64 bits
                                             # and so on


Version 1.1 incorporates additional type checking on the operands for the overloaded operators. Also fixed some minor documentation formatting issues.


My main motivation for creating this module was to provide the students at Purdue and elsewhere with a Perl class whose API is the same as that of my Python based BitVector module that appears to have become popular for prototyping algorithms for cryptography and hash functions.

This module stores the bits of a bitvector in 16-bit unsigned shorts. As you can see in the constructor code for new(), after resolving the arguments with which the constructor is called, the very first thing the constructor does is to figure out how many of those 2-byte shorts it needs for the bits. That does not imply that the size of a bit array that is stored in a bitvector must be a multiple of 16. A bitvector can be of any size whatsoever. The Algorithm::BitVector class keeps track of the number of bits through its size instance variable.

Note that, except for one case, the constructor must be called with a single keyword argument, which determines how the bitvector will be constructed. The single exception to this rule is for the keyword argument intVal which you would normally use for constructing a bitvector from an integer. The additional option you can supply with intVal is size. When both intVal and size are specified in a constructor call, you get a bitvector of the specified size provided the value supplied for size is larger than what it takes to accommodate the bits for the intVal integer.

In addition to constructing bitvectors from integers, this module can also construct bitvectors from bit strings, from ASCII text strings, from hex strings, from a list of bits, and from the contents of a file. With regards to constructing bitvectors from integers, the module can construct very large bitvectors from very large integers stored as Math::BigInt objects.


The following use overload declaration in the module gives the list of the overloaded operators. Since fallback is set to 1, several other operators become overloaded by autogeneration from those shown below. For example, overloading of the 3-way numerical comparison operator <=> automatically overloads the <, <=, >, >=, ==, and != operators.

use overload  '+'        =>    '_add',
              '""'       =>    '_str',
              '0+'       =>    '_int',
              '~'        =>    '_invert',
              '|'        =>    '_or',
              '&'        =>    '_and',
              '^'        =>    '_xor',
              '<=>'      =>    '_compare',
              '<<'       =>    '_lshift',
              '>>'       =>    '_rshift',
              '<>'       =>    '_iter',
              'fallback' =>    1;

It is important to remember that the overloadings for the << and >> operators are for circular left and right shifts (their usual meaning as bitwise operators is for non-circular shifts). This was done because the applications for which this module is intended is more likely to use circular shifts of bit fields than non-circular shifts. You can still carry out non-circular shifts by calling the methods shift_left() and shift_right() as illustrated elsewhere in this documentation.

Another important thing to bear in mind is the overloading of the + operator. It is NOT addition. On the other hand, it is a concatenation of the two operand bitvectors. This was done to keep the usage of this operator the same as in the Python version of this module.

By virtue of how the operators are overloaded, you can make the calls listed in the rest of this section. To illustrate these calls, I will use the following two bit vectors:

$bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => "111000" );
$bv2 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => "000101000" );

These two bitvectors are intentionally of different lengths to illustrate what role the size differences play in how the various operators work.

Concatenating two bitvectors:
$bv3 = $bv1 + $bv2;                          # 111000000101000

The concatenation of two bitvectors is returned as a new bitvector. This is made possible by the overload definition for the + operator.

Note that the following also works:

print $bv1 . "hello";                        # 111000hello

In this case, Perl implicitly converts the left operand of the `.' operator into a string (which is made possible by the overloading for the stringification operator in this module) and then returns the result as a string.

Creating the string representation of a bitvector:
print "$bv1";                                # 111000   

This is made possible for the overload definition for the "" operator.

Converting a bitvector to its integer value:
print int($bv1);                             # 56

This is made possible by the overload definition for the 0+ operator.

Inverting a bitvector
$bv3 = ~ $bv1;
print $bv3;                                  # 000111

This is made possible by the overload definition for the ~ operator.

Taking logical OR of two bitvectors:
$bv3 = $bv1 | $bv2;                          # 000111000 

When two bitvectors are of unequal length (as is the case here), the shorter vector is zero-padded on the left to equalize their lengths before the application of the logical operation. If this auto-padding property is not something you want, you should check the lengths of the argument bitvectors in your own script before invoking this operator.

Taking logical AND of two bitvectors:
$bv3 = $bv1 & $bv2;                          # 000101000

When two bitvectors are of unequal length (as is the case here), the shorter vector is zero-padded on the left to equalize their lengths before the application of the logical operation. If this auto-padding property is not something you want, you should check the lengths of the argument bitvectors in your own script before invoking this operator.

Taking logical XOR of two bitvectors:
$bv3 = $bv1 ^ $bv2;                          # 000010000

When two bitvectors are of unequal length (as is the case here), the shorter vector is zero-padded on the left to equalize their lengths before the application of the logical operation. If this auto-padding property is not something you want, you should check the lengths of the argument bitvectors in your own script before invoking this operator.

Comparing bitvectors:
$bv1 < $bv2 ?  print "yes\n"  :  print "no\n";        # no

$bv1 > $bv2 ?  print "yes\n"  :  print "no\n";        # yes

$bv1 <= $bv2 ?  print "yes\n"  :  print "no\n";       # no

$bv1 >= $bv2 ?  print "yes\n"  :  print "no\n";       # yes

$bv1 == $bv2 ?  print "yes\n"  :  print "no\n";       # no

$bv1 != $bv2 ?  print "yes\n"  :  print "no\n";       # yes

The overload definitions for all these operators are autogenerated from the overload definition for the 3-way numerical comparison operator <=>. bitvectors are compared on the basis of their integer values. That is, $bv1 is less than $bv2 is int($bv1) is less than int($bv2).

In-place circular shifting:
$n = 3;

$bv1 << $n;                                           # $bv1 is now 000111
$bv1 >> $n;                                           # $bv1 is now 111000

Since Perl does not expect these two operators to be invoked in a void context, such statements in your code will elicit a warning from Perl to that effect. If these warnings annoy you, you can turn them off by surrounding such statements with no warnings "void"; and use warnings; pragmas. The other option is to invoke such statements in the following manner:

$bv1 = $bv1 << $n;
$bv2 = $bv1 >> $n; 

That works because the overload definitions for these bit shift operators return the bitvector object on which they are invoked. As it turns out, this also allows for chained invocation of these operators, as in

$bv1 = $bv1 << 3 << 1 >> 2;                          # 100011

$bv1 = $bv1 << 2 >> 1 >> 3;                          # 111000
Iterating over a bitvector:
while (<$bv1>) {
    print "$_  ";
}                                                    # 1  1  1  0  0  0

This is made possible by the overload definition for the <> operator. The Algorithm::BitVector class includes an inner class BitVecIterator for this purpose.


Constructing an empty bitvector:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( size => 0 );

print "$bv\n";                                                   # no output
Constructing a given sized bitvector of all zeros:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( size => 13 );                   # 0000000000000
Constructing a bitvector from an integer value:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 5006 );               # 1001110001110 

The module returns the smallest possible bitvector that would accommodate the integer value provided with the intVal option.

Constructing a bitvector by specifying both the size and the integer values:

As mentioned, with the intVal option, you get the smallest possible bitvector that can be generated from that integer. If you want a larger bitvector, you can also supply the size option as shown below:

$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 5006, size => 16 );   # 0001001110001110  

If the value supplied for the size option in such a call is not larger than the smallest bit array that represents the intVal value, the constructor will throw an exception.

Constructing a bitvector from a very large integer:
use Math::BigInt;
$x = Math::BigInt->new('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890');
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => $x );
Constructing a bitvector from a bit string:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '00110011' );     # 00110011
Constructing a bitvector from an ASCII text string:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( textstring => "hello\n" );  
                                   # 011010000110010101101100011011000110111100001010
Constructing a bitvector from a hex string:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( hexstring => "68656c6c6f" );
                                   # 0110100001100101011011000110110001101111
Constructing a bitvector from a bit list:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitlist => [1, 1, 0, 1] );       # 1101
Constructing a bitvector from the contents of a disk file:
$bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( filename => 'testinput1.txt' );

print "$bv\n";                               # Nothing to show yet

$bv1 = $bv->read_bits_from_file(64);         # Now you have a bitvector from the
                                             #   first 64 bits

Note that it takes two calls to create bitvectors from the contents of a file. The first merely creates an empty bitvector just to set the necessary file handle for reading the file. It is the second call in which you invoke the method read_bits_from_file() that actually returns a bitvector from the bits read from the file. Each call to read_bits_from_file() in this manner spits out a new bit vector.



    When you construct bitvectors by block scanning a disk file, you can call this method after you are done to close the file handle that was created to read the file:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( filename => 'testinput1.txt' );
    ## code to read the blocks of bits for constructing bitvectors


    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 45, size => 16 );
    print $bv->count_bits();                       # 4

    This method returns the number bits set to 1 in a bitvector.


    Say you have a bitvector with two million bits:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( size => 2000000 );     

    and you happen to set its individual bits by

    $bv->set_bit(345234, 1);
    $bv->set_bit(233, 1);
    $bv->set_bit(243, 1);
    $bv->set_bit(18, 1);
    $bv->set_bit(785, 1);

    The following call returns the number of bits set in the bitvector:

    print $bv->count_bits_sparse();               # 5   

    For very long bitvectors, as in the example here, this method will work much faster than the count_bits() method. However, for dense bitvectors, I expect count_bits() to work faster.


    $bv_copy = $bv->deep_copy();

    Subsequently, any alterations to the bitvectors pointed to by either $bv or $bv_copy will not affect the other.


    ($bv1, $bv2) = $bv->divide_into_two();              # say $bv = 0000000000101101
    print "\n$bv1\n";                                   # 00000000                                 
    print "$bv2\n";                                     # 00101101  


    This method returns the Greatest Common Divisor of the integer values represented by the two bitvectors:

    $bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '01100110' );   # 102                           
    $bv2 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '011010' );     # 26                            
    $gcd = $bv1->gcd( $bv2 );                                      # 10
    print int($gcd);                                               # 2

    Note that the result returned by gcd() is a bitvector.


    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 0 );
    $bv = $bv->gen_random_bits(16);                        # 1100111001010101

    The call to gen_random_bits() returns a bitvector whose bits are randomly generated. The number of bits in the returned vector equals the argument integer.


    This method gives you array-like access to the individual bits of a bitvector.

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '10111' );
    print $bv->get_bit(0);                           # 1   (the first bit)
    print $bv->get_bit(1);                           # 0                                           
    print $bv->get_bit(4);                           # 1   (the last bit) 

    Negative values for the index scan a bitvector from right to left, with the -1 index standing for the last (meaning the right-most) bit in the vector:

    print $bv->get_bit(-1);                          # 1   (the last bit)                          
    print $bv->get_bit(-2);                          # 1                           
    print $bv->get_bit(-5);                          # 1   (the first bit)

    The get_bit() can also return a slice of a bitvector if the argument to the method is an anonymous array of the index range you desire, as in

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => "10111011");
    my $arr = $bv->get_bit( [3..7] );
    print "@$arr\n";                                 # 1 1 0 1 1 

    In this example, we want get_bit() to return all bits at positions indexed 3 through 7, both ends inclusive.


    Assuming that length of your bitvector is a multiple of 4, this methods returns a hex representation of the bit pattern:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new(bitstring => "0110100001100101011011000110110001101111");
    print $bv->get_hex_string_from_bitvector();             # 68656c6c6f


    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( textstring => "hello" );
    print "$bv\n";                              # 0110100001100101011011000110110001101111 
    print $bv->get_text_from_bitvector();                           # hello                        

    This method throws an exception if the size of the bit pattern is not a multiple of 8.


    This method is for modular division in the Galois Field GF(2^n). You must specify the modulus polynomial through a bit pattern and also the value of the integer n:

    $mod = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '100011011' );   # AES modulus                  
    $n = 8;
    $a = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '11100010110001' );
    ($quotient, $remainder) = $a->gf_divide_by_modulus($mod, $n);
    print "$quotient\n";                           # 00000000111010                            
    print "$remainder\n";                          # 10001111 

    What this example illustrates is dividing the bitvector $a by the modulus bit vector $mod. For a more general division of one bitvector $a by another bit vector $b, you would carry out a multiplication of $a by the MI of $b, where MI stands for "multiplicative inverse" as returned by a call to the method gf_MI().


    This method returns the multiplicative inverse of a bit pattern in the Galois Field GF(2^n). You must specify both the modulus polynomial through its bit pattern and the value of n:

    $modulus = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '100011011' );     # AES modulus            
    $n = 8;
    $a = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '00110011' );
    print $a->gf_MI($modulus, $n);                     # 01101100                                  


    This method returns a product of two bit patterns in the Galois Field GF(2) field. That is, given any two polynomials with their coefficients drawn from the 0 and 1 values in GF(2), this method returns the product polynomial.

    $a = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '0110001' );
    $b = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '0110' );
    print $a->gf_multiply($b);                                #00010100110

    As you would expect, in general, the bit pattern returned by this method will be longer than the lengths if the two operand bitvectors.


    This method carries out modular multiplication in the Galois Field GF(2^n). You must supply it the bitvector for the modulus polynomial and the value of n.

    $modulus = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '100011011' );     # AES modulus            
    $n = 8;
    $a = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '0110001' );
    $b = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '0110' );
    print $a->gf_multiply_modular($b, $modulus, $n);         # 10100110                            

    This example returns the product of the bit patterns $a and $b modulo the bit pattern $modulus in GF(2^8).


    Hamming distance is commonly used to measure dissimilarity between two bitvectors of the same size.

    $bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '11111111' );
    $bv2 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '00101011' );
    print $bv1->hamming_distance( $bv2 );                            # 4

    This distance returns the number of bit positions in which two the bit patterns differ.


    You can find the integer value of a bitvector by

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 5678 );
    print $bv3->int_value();                             # 5678

    or, even more simply by

    print int($bv);                                      # 5678

    which works on account of the overloading of the 0+ operator.


    You can use this predicate to test if the integer value of a bitvector is a power of 2:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '10000000001110' );
    print int($bv);                                        # 826                                   
    print $bv->is_power_of_2();                            # 0   

    The predicate returns 1 for true and 0 for false.


    This does the same thing as the is_power_of_2() method but in a way that makes it faster for large bitvectors with very few bits set.

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( size => 2000000 );
    $bv->set_bit(345234, 1);
    print $bv->is_power_of_2_sparse();                    # 1


    The Jaccard distance between two bitvectors is 1 minus the Jaccard similarity coefficient:

    $bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '11111111' );
    $bv2 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '10101011' );
    print $bv1->jaccard_distance( $bv2 );                         # 0.375


    This method returns the Jaccard similarity coefficient between the two bitvectors pointed to by $bv1 and $bv2:

    $bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '11111111' );
    $bv2 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '10101011' );
    print $bv1->jaccard_similarity( $bv2 );                       # 0.675


    This method returns the total number of bits in a bitvector:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 5678 );
    print $bv;                                                    # 1011000101110
    print $bv->length();                                          # 13  

    Note that what length() returns is the total size of a bitvector, including any leading zeros.


    This method calculates the multiplicative inverse using normal integer arithmetic. For multiplicative inverses in a Galois Field GF(2^n), use the method gf_MI() described earlier in this API.

    $modulus = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 32 );
    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 17 );
    $result = $bv->multiplicative_inverse( $modulus );
    if ($result) {
        print $result;                                                # 10001
    } else {
        print "No multiplicative inverse in this case\n";

    What that says is that the multiplicative inverse of 17 modulo 32 is 17. That is because 17 times 17 in modulo 32 arithmetic equals 1. When using this method, you must test the value returned for 0. If the returned value is 0, that means that the number corresponding to the bitvector on which this method is invoked does not possess a multiplicative inverse with respect to the modulus.


    Starting from a given bit position, this method returns the index of the next bit that is set in a bitvector:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '00000000000001' );
    print $bv->next_set_bit(5);                                  # 13                              

    In this example, we are asking the method to return the index of the bit that is set after the bit position indexed 5.


    You can pad a bitvector from the left with a designated number of zeros:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '101010' );
    print $bv->pad_from_left( 4 );                               # 0000101010


    You can pad a bitvector from the right with a designated number of zeros:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '101010' );
    print $bv->pad_from_right( 4 );                              # 1010100000


    You can permute the bits in a bitvector with a permutation list as shown below:

    $bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 203, size => 8 );
    print $bv1;                                                   # 11001011                       
    $bv2 =  $bv1->permute( [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4] );
    print $bv2;                                                   # 00111101


    You can measure the "rank" of a bit that is set at a given index. Rank is the number of bits that are set up to the argument position, as in

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '01010101011100' );
    print $bv->rank_of_bit_set_at_index( 10 );                    # 6

    The value 6 returned by this call to rank_of_bit_set_at_index() is the number of bits set up to the position indexed 10 (including that position).


    Constructing bitvectors from the contents of a disk file takes two steps: First you must make the call shown in the first statement below. The purpose of this call is to create a file handle that is associated with the variable $bv in this case. Subsequent invocations of read_bits_from_file($n) on this variable will read blocks of $n bits and return a bitvector for each block thus read. The variable $n must be a multiple of 8 for this to work.

     $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( filename => 'testinput1.txt' );
     $bv1 = $bv->read_bits_from_file(64);
     $bv2 = $bv->read_bits_from_file(64);

    When reading a file as shown above, you can test the attribute more_to_read of the bitvector object in order to find out if there is more to be read in the file. The while loop shown below reads all of a file in 64-bit blocks.

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( filename => 'testinput4.txt' );
    while ($bv->{more_to_read}) {
        my $bv_read = $bv->read_bits_from_file( 64 );
        print "$bv_read\n";

    The size of the last bitvector constructed from a file corresponds to how many bytes remain unread in the file at that point. It is your responsibility to zero-pad the last bitvector appropriately if, say, you are doing block encryption of the whole file.


    You can reset a previously constructed bitvector all either all 1's or all 0's by calling this method:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 203, size => 8 );
    print $bv;                                                  # 11001011                         
    print $bv;                                                  # 11111111                         
    print $bv;                                                  # 00000000  


    Given a bitvector, you can construct a bitvector with all the bits reversed, in the sense that what was left-to-right earlier now becomes right-to-left, as in

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '01100001' );
    print $bv->reverse();                                       # 10000110                         


    This method returns an array of runs of 1's and 0's in a bitvector:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitlist => [1,1,1,0,0,1] );
    my @bvruns = $bv->runs();
    print "@bvruns\n";                                     # 111  00  1   

    Each element of the array that is returned by runs() is a string of either 1's or 0's.


    With array-like indexing, you can use this method to set the individual bits of a previously constructed bitvector. Both positive and negative values are allowed for the bit position index. The method takes two explicit arguments, the first for the position of the bit you want to set and the second for the value of the bit.

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '1111' );
    print $bv;                                        # 0011                                       
    print $bv;                                        # 0000       


    If you want to shift a bit non-circularly to the left, this is the method to call:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitlist => [1,1, 1, 0, 0, 1] );
    print $bv;                                                  # 001000
    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitlist => [1,1, 1, 0, 0, 1] );
    print $bv;                                                  # 000001 


    If you want to shift a bit non-circularly to the right, this is the method to call:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitlist => [1,1, 1, 0, 0, 1] );
    print $bv;                                                  # 000111                           
    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitlist => [1,1, 1, 0, 0, 1] );
    print $bv;                                                  # 000001 


    This method can be used to change the bit pattern associated with a previously constructed bitvector:

    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 7, size => 16 );
    print $bv;                                 # 0000000000000111                                  
    $bv->set_value( intVal => 45 );
    print $bv;                                 # 101101    


    If the integer value of a bitvector is small, you can use this method to test it for its primality by the Miller-Rabin probabilistic test:

    $p = 7417;
    $bv = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => $p );
    $check = $bv->test_for_primality();
    print "The primality test for $p: $check\n";
            # The primality test for 7417: is a prime with probability 0.99993896484375 


    This method reverses the permutation carried out by a call to the permute() method as shown below:

    $bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( intVal => 203, size => 8 );
    print $bv1;                                                   # 11001011                       
    $bv2 =  $bv1->permute( [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4] );
    print $bv2;                                                   # 00111101
    $bv3 = $bv2->unpermute( [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4] );
    print $bv3;                                                   # 11001011


    This method writes the bitvectors in your program to a disk file:

    $bv1 = Algorithm::BitVector->new( bitstring => '00001010' );
    open my $FILEOUT, ">test.txt";
    $bv1->write_to_file( $FILEOUT );
    close $FILEOUT;

    The size of a bitvector must be a multiple of 8 for this write method to work. If this condition is not met, the method will throw an exception.

    Important for Windows Users: When writing an internally generated bitvector out to a disk file, it may be important to open the file in the binary mode, since otherwise the bit pattern `00001010' ('\n') in your bitstring will be written out as 0000110100001010 ('\r\n') which is the line break on Windows machines.


This module imports the following modules:



The examples directory contains the following script that invokes all of the functionality of this module:

In case there is any doubt about how exactly to invoke a method or how to use an operator, please look at the usage in this script.


None by design.


Please notify the author if you encounter any bugs. When sending email, please place the string 'BitVector' in the subject line.


Download the archive from CPAN in any directory of your choice. Unpack the archive with a command that on a Linux machine would look like:

tar zxvf Algorithm-BitVector-1.1.tar.gz

This will create an installation directory for you whose name will be Algorithm-BitVector-1.1. Enter this directory and execute the following commands for a standard install of the module if you have root privileges:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install

If you do not have root privileges, you can carry out a non-standard install the module in any directory of your choice by:

perl Makefile.PL prefix=/some/other/directory/
make test
make install

With a non-standard install, you may also have to set your PERL5LIB environment variable so that this module can find the required other modules. How you do that would depend on what platform you are working on. In order to install this module in a Linux machine on which I use tcsh for the shell, I set the PERL5LIB environment variable by

setenv PERL5LIB /some/other/directory/lib64/perl5/:/some/other/directory/share/perl5/

If I used bash, I'd need to declare:

export PERL5LIB=/some/other/directory/lib64/perl5/:/some/other/directory/share/perl5/


Avinash Kak,

If you send email, please place the string "BitVector" in your subject line to get past my spam filter.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Copyright 2015 Avinash Kak