Data::Object::Hash - A Hash Object for Perl 5
version 0.19
use Data::Object::Hash;
my $hash = Data::Object::Hash->new({1..4});
Data::Object::Hash provides common methods for operating on Perl 5 hash references. Hash methods work on hash references. Users of these methods should be aware of the methods that modify the array reference itself as opposed to returning a new array reference. Unless stated, it may be safe to assume that the following methods copy, modify and return new hash references based on their function.
This class inherits all functionality from the Data::Object::Role::Hash role and implements proxy methods as documented herewith.
Certain methods provided by the this module support codification, a process which converts a string argument into a code reference which can be used to supply a callback to the method called. A codified string can access its arguments by using variable names which correspond to letters in the alphabet which represent the position in the argument list. For example:
$array->example('$a + $b * $c', 100);
# if the example method does not supply any arguments automatically then
# the variable $a would be assigned the user-supplied value of 100,
# however, if the example method supplies two arguments automatically then
# those arugments would be assigned to the variables $a and $b whereas $c
# would be assigned the user-supplied value of 100
Any place a codified string is accepted, a coderef or Data::Object::Code object is also valid. Arguments are passed through the usual @_
# given {1..8}
$hash->array_slice(1,3); # [2,4]
The array_slice method returns an array reference containing the values in the hash corresponding to the keys specified in the arguments in the order specified. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->aslice(1,3); # [2,4]
The aslice method is an alias to the array_slice method. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object. This method is an alias to the array_slice method.
# given {1..8}
$hash->clear; # {}
The clear method is an alias to the empty method. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object. This method is an alias to the empty method.
# given {1..8,9,undef}
$hash->defined(1); # 1; true
$hash->defined(0); # 0; false
$hash->defined(9); # 0; false
The defined method returns true if the value matching the key specified in the argument if defined, otherwise returns false. This method returns a Data::Object::Number object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->delete(1); # 2
The delete method returns the value matching the key specified in the argument and returns the value. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.
# given {1..8}
my $key = shift; # 1
my $value = shift; # 2
The each method iterates over each element in the hash, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the key and value at the current position in the loop. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
my $key = shift; # 1
The each_key method iterates over each element in the hash, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the key at the current position in the loop. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->each_n_values(4, sub {
my $value_1 = shift; # 2
my $value_2 = shift; # 4
my $value_3 = shift; # 6
my $value_4 = shift; # 8
The each_n_values method iterates over each element in the hash, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the next n values until all values have been seen. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->each_value(sub {
my $value = shift; # 2
The each_value method iterates over each element in the hash, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the value at the current position in the loop. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->empty; # {}
The empty method drops all elements from the hash. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object. Note: This method modifies the hash.
# given {1..8,9,undef}
$hash->exists(1); # 1; true
$hash->exists(0); # 0; false
The exists method returns true if the value matching the key specified in the argument exists, otherwise returns false. This method returns a Data::Object::Number object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->filter_exclude(1,3); # {5=>6,7=>8}
The filter_exclude method returns a hash reference consisting of all key/value pairs in the hash except for the pairs whose keys are specified in the arguments. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->filter_include(1,3); # {1=>2,3=>4}
The filter_include method returns a hash reference consisting of only key/value pairs whose keys are specified in the arguments. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->get(5); # 6
The get method returns the value of the element in the hash whose key corresponds to the key specified in the argument. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.
# given {1..8}
$hash->hash_slice(1,3); # {1=>2,3=>4}
The hash_slice method returns a hash reference containing the key/value pairs in the hash corresponding to the keys specified in the arguments. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->hslice(1,3); # {1=>2,3=>4}
The hslice method is an alias to the array_slice method. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object. This method is an alias to the hash_slice method.
# given {1..8,9,undef,10,''}
$hash->invert; # {''=>10,2=>1,4=>3,6=>5,8=>7}
The invert method returns the hash after inverting the keys and values respectively. Note, keys with undefined values will be dropped, also, this method modifies the hash. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object. Note: This method modifies the hash.
# given {1..8}
my $iterator = $hash->iterator;
while (my $value = $iterator->next) {
say $value; # 2
The iterator method returns a code reference which can be used to iterate over the hash. Each time the iterator is executed it will return the values of the next element in the hash until all elements have been seen, at which point the iterator will return an undefined value. This method returns a Data::Object::Code object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->keys; # [1,3,5,7]
The keys method returns an array reference consisting of all the keys in the hash. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object.
# given {1..3,{4,{5,6,7,{8,9,10,11}}}}
$hash->lookup('3.4.7'); # {8=>9,10=>11}
$hash->lookup('3.4'); # {5=>6,7=>{8=>9,10=>11}}
$hash->lookup(1); # 2
The lookup method returns the value of the element in the hash whose key corresponds to the key specified in the argument. The key can be a string which references (using dot-notation) nested keys within the hash. This method will return undefined if the value is undef or the location expressed in the argument can not be resolved. Please note, keys containing dots (periods) are not handled. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.
# given {1..8}
$hash->merge({7,7,9,9}); # {1=>2,3=>4,5=>6,7=>7,9=>9}
The merge method returns a hash reference where the elements in the hash and the elements in the argument(s) are merged. This operation performs a deep merge and clones the datasets to ensure no side-effects. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->pairs; # [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]
The pairs method is an alias to the pairs_array method. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object. This method is an alias to the pairs_array method.
# given {1..8}
$hash->pairs_array; # [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]
The pairs_array method returns an array reference consisting of array references where each sub array reference has two elements corresponding to the key and value of each element in the hash. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->reset; # {1=>undef,3=>undef,5=>undef,7=>undef}
The reset method returns nullifies the value of each element in the hash. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object. Note: This method modifies the hash.
# given {1..8,9,undef}
$hash->reverse; # {8=>7,6=>5,4=>3,2=>1}
The reverse method returns a hash reference consisting of the hash's keys and values inverted. Note, keys with undefined values will be dropped. This method returns a Data::Object::Hash object.
# given {1..8}
$hash->set(1,10); # 10
$hash->set(1,12); # 12
$hash->set(1,0); # 0
The set method returns the value of the element in the hash corresponding to the key specified by the argument after updating it to the value of the second argument. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.
# given {1..8}
$hash->values; # [2,4,6,8]
The values method returns an array reference consisting of the values of the elements in the hash. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object.
Al Newkirk <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Al Newkirk.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.