Data::Object::Role::Array - Array Object Role for Perl 5


version 0.51


use Data::Object::Role::Array;


Data::Object::Role::Array provides routines for operating on Perl 5 array references.



# given [2..5]

$array->all('$a > 1'); # 1; true
$array->all('$a > 3'); # 0; false

The all method returns true if all of the elements in the array meet the criteria set by the operand and rvalue. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a number value.


# given [2..5]

$array->any('$a > 5'); # 0; false
$array->any('$a > 3'); # 1; true

The any method returns true if any of the elements in the array meet the criteria set by the operand and rvalue. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a number value.


# given ['a'..'g']

$array->clear; # []

The clear method is an alias to the empty method. This method returns a undef object. This method is an alias to the empty method. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given [1..5]

$array->count; # 5

The count method returns the number of elements within the array. This method returns a number value.


# given $array

$array->data; # original value

The data method returns the original and underlying value contained by the object. This method is an alias to the detract method.


# given [1,2,undef,4,5]

$array->defined(2); # 0; false
$array->defined(1); # 1; true

The defined method returns true if the element within the array at the index specified by the argument meets the criteria for being defined, otherwise it returns false. This method returns a number value.


# given [1..5]

$array->delete(2); # 3

The delete method returns the value of the element within the array at the index specified by the argument after removing it from the array. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given $array

$array->detract; # original value

The detract method returns the original and underlying value contained by the object.


# given [1..5]

$array->dump; # '[1,2,3,4,5]'

The dump method returns returns a string representation of the object. This method returns a string value.


# given ['a'..'g']

    my $index = shift; # 0
    my $value = shift; # a

The each method iterates over each element in the array, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the index and value at the current position in the loop. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns an array value.


# given ['a'..'g']

    my $index = shift; # 0

The each_key method iterates over each element in the array, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the index at the current position in the loop. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns an array value.


# given ['a'..'g']

$array->each_n_values(4, sub{
    my $value_1 = shift; # a
    my $value_2 = shift; # b
    my $value_3 = shift; # c
    my $value_4 = shift; # d

The each_n_values method iterates over each element in the array, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the next n values until all values have been seen. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns an array value.


# given ['a'..'g']

    my $value = shift; # a

The each_value method iterates over each element in the array, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the value at the current position in the loop. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns an array value.


# given ['a'..'g']

$array->empty; # []

The empty method drops all elements from the array. This method returns a array object. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given $array

$array->eq; # exception thrown

This method is a consumer requirement but has no function and is not implemented. This method will throw an exception if called.


# given [1,2,3,4,5]

$array->exists(5); # 0; false
$array->exists(0); # 1; true

The exists method returns true if the element within the array at the index specified by the argument exists, otherwise it returns false. This method returns a number value.


# given [1..5]

$array->first; # 1

The first method returns the value of the first element in the array. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.


# given $array

$array->ge; # exception thrown

This method is a consumer requirement but has no function and is not implemented. This method will throw an exception if called.


# given [1..5]

$array->get(0); # 1;

The get method returns the value of the element in the array at the index specified by the argument. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.


# given [1..5]

    shift >= 3

# [3,4,5]

The grep method iterates over each element in the array, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the value at the current position in the loop and returning a new array reference containing the elements for which the argument evaluated true. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a array object.


# given $array

$array->gt; # exception thrown

This method is a consumer requirement but has no function and is not implemented. This method will throw an exception if called.


# given [1..5]

$array->hash; # {0=>1,1=>2,2=>3,3=>4,4=>5}

The hash method returns a hash reference where each key and value pairs corresponds to the index and value of each element in the array. This method returns a hash value.


# given [1..5]

$array->hashify; # {1=>1,2=>1,3=>1,4=>1,5=>1}
$array->hashify(sub { shift % 2 }); # {1=>1,2=>0,3=>1,4=>0,5=>1}

The hashify method returns a hash reference where the elements of array become the hash keys and the corresponding values are assigned a value of 1. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. Note, undefined elements will be dropped. This method returns a hash value.

# given [9,8,7,6,5]

my $head = $array->head; # 9

The head method returns the value of the first element in the array. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.


# given [1..5]

$array->invert; # [5,4,3,2,1]

The invert method returns an array reference containing the elements in the array in reverse order. This method returns an array value.


# given [1..5]

my $iterator = $array->iterator;
while (my $value = $iterator->next) {
    say $value; # 1

The iterator method returns a code reference which can be used to iterate over the array. Each time the iterator is executed it will return the next element in the array until all elements have been seen, at which point the iterator will return an undefined value. This method returns a Data::Object::Code object.


# given [1..5]

$array->join; # 12345
$array->join(', '); # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The join method returns a string consisting of all the elements in the array joined by the join-string specified by the argument. Note: If the argument is omitted, an empty string will be used as the join-string. This method returns a string object.


# given [1..5]

$array->keyed('a'..'d'); # {a=>1,b=>2,c=>3,d=>4}

The keyed method returns a hash reference where the arguments become the keys, and the elements of the array become the values. This method returns a hash object.


# given ['a'..'d']

$array->keys; # [0,1,2,3]

The keys method returns an array reference consisting of the indicies of the array. This method returns an array value.


# given [1..5]

$array->last; # 5

The last method returns the value of the last element in the array. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.


# given $array

$array->le; # exception thrown

This method is a consumer requirement but has no function and is not implemented. This method will throw an exception if called.


# given [1..5]

$array->length; # 5

The length method returns the number of elements in the array. This method returns a number value.


# given $array

my $list = $array->list;

The list method returns a shallow copy of the underlying array reference as an array reference. This method return an array object.


# given $array

$array->lt; # exception thrown

This method is a consumer requirement but has no function and is not implemented. This method will throw an exception if called.


# given [1..5]

    shift + 1

# [2,3,4,5,6]

The map method iterates over each element in the array, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, passing the routine the value at the current position in the loop and returning a new array reference containing the elements for which the argument returns a value or non-empty list. This method returns an array value.


# given [8,9,1,2,3,4,5]

$array->max; # 9

The max method returns the element in the array with the highest numerical value. All non-numerical element are skipped during the evaluation process. This method returns a number value.


# given $array


The methods method returns the list of methods attached to object. This method returns an array value.


# given [8,9,1,2,3,4,5]

$array->min; # 1

The min method returns the element in the array with the lowest numerical value. All non-numerical element are skipped during the evaluation process. This method returns a number value.


# given $array

$array->ne; # exception thrown

This method is a consumer requirement but has no function and is not implemented. This method will throw an exception if called.


# given 1..9

my $array = Data::Object::Array->new(1..9);
my $array = Data::Object::Array->new([1..9]);

The new method expects a list or array reference and returns a new class instance.


# given [2..5]

$array->none('$a <= 1'); # 1; true
$array->none('$a <= 2'); # 0; false

The none method returns true if none of the elements in the array meet the criteria set by the operand and rvalue. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a number value.


# given [5,4,3,2,1]

$array->nsort; # [1,2,3,4,5]

The nsort method returns an array reference containing the values in the array sorted numerically. This method returns an array value.


# given [2..5]

$array->one('$a == 5'); # 1; true
$array->one('$a == 6'); # 0; false

The one method returns true if only one of the elements in the array meet the criteria set by the operand and rvalue. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a number value.


# given [1..5]

$array->pairs; # [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5]]

The pairs method is an alias to the pairs_array method. This method returns a array object. This method is an alias to the pairs_array method.


# given [1..5]

$array->pairs_array; # [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5]]

The pairs_array method returns an array reference consisting of array references where each sub-array reference has two elements corresponding to the index and value of each element in the array. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object.


# given [1..5]

$array->pairs_hash; # {0=>1,1=>2,2=>3,3=>4,4=>5}

The pairs_hash method returns a hash reference where each key and value pairs corresponds to the index and value of each element in the array. This method returns a hash value.


# given [1..10]

$array->part(sub { shift > 5 }); # [[6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]

The part method iterates over each element in the array, executing the code reference supplied in the argument, using the result of the code reference to partition to array into two distinct array references. This method returns an array reference containing exactly two array references. This method supports codification, i.e, takes an argument which can be a codifiable string, a code reference, or a code data type object. This method returns a array object.


# given [1..5]

$array->pop; # 5

The pop method returns the last element of the array shortening it by one. Note, this method modifies the array. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given [1..5]

$array->print; # '[1,2,3,4,5]'

The print method outputs the value represented by the object to STDOUT and returns true. This method returns a number value.


# given [1..5]

$array->push(6,7,8); # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]

The push method appends the array by pushing the agruments onto it and returns itself. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given [1..5]

$array->random; # 4

The random method returns a random element from the array. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution.


# given [1..5]

$array->reverse; # [5,4,3,2,1]

The reverse method returns an array reference containing the elements in the array in reverse order. This method returns an array value.


# given [5,4,3,2,1]

$array->rnsort; # [5,4,3,2,1]

The rnsort method returns an array reference containing the values in the array sorted numerically in reverse. This method returns a array object.


# given $array


The roles method returns the list of roles attached to object. This method returns an array value.


# given [1..5]

$array->rotate; # [2,3,4,5,1]
$array->rotate; # [3,4,5,1,2]
$array->rotate; # [4,5,1,2,3]

The rotate method rotates the elements in the array such that first elements becomes the last element and the second element becomes the first element each time this method is called. This method returns an array value. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given ['a'..'d']

$array->rsort; # ['d','c','b','a']

The rsort method returns an array reference containing the values in the array sorted alphanumerically in reverse. This method returns a Data::Object::Array object.


# given [1..5]

$array->say; # '[1,2,3,4,5]\n'

The say method outputs the value represented by the object appended with a newline to STDOUT and returns true. This method returns a Data::Object::Number object.


# given [1..5]

$array->set(4,6); # [1,2,3,4,6]

The set method returns the value of the element in the array at the index specified by the argument after updating it to the value of the second argument. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given [1..5]

$array->shift; # 1

The shift method returns the first element of the array shortening it by one. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given [1..5]

$array->size; # 5

The size method is an alias to the length method. This method returns a number object. This method is an alias to the length method.


# given [1..5]

$array->slice(2,4); # [3,5]

The slice method returns an array reference containing the elements in the array at the index(es) specified in the arguments. This method returns a array object.


# given ['d','c','b','a']

$array->sort; # ['a','b','c','d']

The sort method returns an array reference containing the values in the array sorted alphanumerically. This method returns an array value.


# given [1..5]

$array->sum; # 15

The sum method returns the sum of all values for all numerical elements in the array. All non-numerical element are skipped during the evaluation process. This method returns a number value.


# given [1..5]

$array->tail; # [2,3,4,5]

The tail method returns an array reference containing the second through the last elements in the array omitting the first. This method returns a array object.


# given $array


The throw method terminates the program using the core die keyword, passing the object to the Data::Object::Exception class as the named parameter object. If captured this method returns an exception value.


# given $array

$array->type; # ARRAY

The type method returns a string representing the internal data type object name. This method returns a string value.


# given [1,1,1,1,2,3,1]

$array->unique; # [1,2,3]

The unique method returns an array reference consisting of the unique elements in the array. This method returns an array value.


# given [1..5]

$array->unshift(-2,-1,0); # [-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5]

The unshift method prepends the array by pushing the agruments onto it and returns itself. This method returns a data type object to be determined after execution. Note: This method modifies the array.


# given [1..5]

$array->values; # [1,2,3,4,5]

The values method returns an array reference consisting of the elements in the array. This method essentially copies the content of the array into a new container. This method returns an array value.


This package is comprised of the following roles.



Al Newkirk <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Al Newkirk.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.