

Data-Object Data Class


package Command;

use Data::Object::Data;


fetches results from the api


my $data = Data::Object::Data->new;

my $help = $data->content('help');
# fetches results ...

my $token = $data->content('token');
# token: the access token ...

my $secret = $data->content('secret');
# secret: the secret for ...

my $flag = $data->contents('flag');
# [,...]


=flag secret

secret: the secret for the account

=flag token

token: the access token for the account



Data::Object::Data provides methods for parsing and extracting pod-like data sections from any file or package. The pod-like syntax allows for using these sections anywhere in the source code and Perl properly ignoring them.


This package implements the following methods.


content(Str $arg1) : Str

The content method returns the pod-like section where the name matches the given string.

content example
=pod help

Example content


# given $data


# Example content


contents(Str $arg1) : ArrayRef

The contents method returns all pod-like sections that start with the given string, e.g. pod matches =pod foo. This method returns an arrayref of data for the matched sections.

contents example
=pod help

Example content


# given $data


# [,...]


data(Str $arg1) : ArrayRef

The data method returns the contents from the DATA and END sections of a package.

data example
# given $data


# ...


file(Str $arg1) : ArrayRef

The file method returns the contents of a file which contains pod-like sections for a given filename.

file example
# given $data


# ...


from_data(Str $arg1) : Str

The from_data method returns content for the given class to be passed to the constructor.

from_data example
# given $data


# ...


from_file(Str $arg1) : Str

The from_data method returns content for the given file to be passed to the constructor.

from_file example
# given $data


# ...


item(Str $arg1) : HashRef

The item method returns metadata for the pod-like section that matches the given string.

item example
=pod help

Example content


# given $data


# {,...}


list(Str $arg1) : ArrayRef

The list method returns metadata for each pod-like section that matches the given string.

list example
=pod help

Example content


# given $data


# [,...]


parser(Str $arg1) : ArrayRef

The parser method extracts pod-like sections from a given string and returns an arrayref of metadata.

parser example
# given $data


# [,...]


pluck(Str $arg1, Str $arg2) : HashRef

The pluck method splices and returns metadata for the pod-like section that matches the given list or item by name.

pluck example
=pod help

Example content


# given $data

$data->pluck('item', 'help');

# {,...}