Faker - Extensible Fake Data Generator


version 0.11


use Faker;

my $faker = Faker->new;

my $company  = $faker->provider('Company');
my $address  = $faker->provider('Address');

say $company->name;
say $address->lines;

# or

say $faker->company_name;
say $faker->address_lines;


Faker is a Perl library that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker makes it easy to generate fake data. Note: This is an early release available for testing and feedback and as such is subject to change.




The namespace attribute contains the namespace from which providers will be loaded. This attribute defaults to Faker::Provider.



The locale attribute contains the locale string which is concatenated with the namespace attribute to load fake data which is locale-specific.



$faker->provider('Company'); # Faker::Provider::en_US::Company

The provider method uses the namespace and locale attributes to load a particular provider which provides methods to generate fake data.


$faker->address_city_name; # Kirkville

The address_city_name method generates a random ficticious city name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the city_name method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_city_prefix; # West

The address_city_prefix method generates a random ficticious city prefix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the city_prefix method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class.


$faker->address_city_suffix; # ville

The address_city_suffix method generates a random ficticious city suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the city_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_country_name; # France

The address_country_name method generates a random ficticious country name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the country_name method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class.


$faker->address_latitude; # 59.682733

The address_latitude method generates a random ficticious latitude point. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the latitude method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_line1; # 4765 Goodwin Street

The address_line1 method generates a random ficticious street address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the line1 method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_line2; # Apt. 835

The address_line2 method generates a random ficticious address line2. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the line2 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class.


$faker->address_lines; # 5111 McClure Avenue, Laneville, 29442

The address_lines method generates a random ficticious stree address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the lines method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_longitude; # 73.002746

The address_longitude method generates a random ficticious longitude point. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the longitude method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_number; # 4568

The address_number method generates a random ficticious street number. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the number method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_postal_code; # 11083-9440

The address_postal_code method generates a random ficticious postal code. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the postal_code method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_state_abbr; # AS

The address_state_abbr method generates a random ficticious state abbr. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the state_abbr method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class.


$faker->address_state_name; # Illinois

The address_state_name method generates a random ficticious state name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the state_name method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Address class.


$faker->address_street_name; # Borer Street

The address_street_name method generates a random ficticious street name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the street_name method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->address_street_suffix; # Parkway

The address_street_suffix method generates a random ficticious street suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the street_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::Address class.


$faker->color_hex_code; # af0573

The color_hex_code method generates a random ficticious hex color. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the hex_code method on the Faker::Provider::Color class.


$faker->color_name; # PeachPuff

The color_name method generates a random ficticious color name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name method on the Faker::Provider::Color class.


$faker->color_rgbcolors; # 142,63,127

The color_rgbcolors method generates a random ficticious rgb colors. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the rgbcolors method on the Faker::Provider::Color class.


$faker->color_rgbcolors_array; # [214,199,200]

The color_rgbcolors_array method generates a random ficticious rgb colors. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the rgbcolors_array method on the Faker::Provider::Color class.


$faker->color_rgbcolors_css; # rgb(214,199,200)

The color_rgbcolors_css method generates a random ficticious rgbcolors for css. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the rgbcolors_css method on the Faker::Provider::Color class.


$faker->color_safe_hex_code; # ff0097

The color_safe_hex_code method generates a random ficticious safe hex color. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the safe_hex_code method on the Faker::Provider::Color class.


$faker->color_safe_name; # white

The color_safe_name method generates a random ficticious safe color name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the safe_name method on the Faker::Provider::Color class.


$faker->company_buzzword_type1; # embrace

The company_buzzword_type1 method generates a random ficticious buzzword type1. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the buzzword_type1 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->company_buzzword_type2; # frictionless

The company_buzzword_type2 method generates a random ficticious buzzword type2. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the buzzword_type2 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->company_buzzword_type3; # channels

The company_buzzword_type3 method generates a random ficticious buzzword type3. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the buzzword_type3 method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->company_description; # Delivers high-level capability

The company_description method generates a random ficticious description. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the description method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->company_jargon_buzz_word; # circuit

The company_jargon_buzz_word method generates a random ficticious jargon buzz word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the jargon_buzz_word method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->company_jargon_edge_word; # Polarised

The company_jargon_edge_word method generates a random ficticious jargon edge word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the jargon_edge_word method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->company_jargon_prop_word; # full-range

The company_jargon_prop_word method generates a random ficticious jargon proposition word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the jargon_prop_word method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->company_name; # Kozey Ltd.

The company_name method generates a random ficticious company name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name method on the Faker::Provider::Company class.


$faker->company_name_suffix; # Co.

The company_name_suffix method generates a random ficticious company name suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::Company class.


$faker->company_tagline; # infomediaries web-enabled brand

The company_tagline method generates a random ficticious tagline. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the tagline method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Company class.


$faker->internet_domain_name; #

The internet_domain_name method generates a random ficticious domain name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the domain_name method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_domain_word; # orn-lesch-and-spencer

The internet_domain_word method generates a random ficticious domain word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the domain_word method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_email_address; #

The internet_email_address method generates a random ficticious email address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the email_address method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_email_domain; #

The internet_email_domain method generates a random ficticious email domain. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the email_domain method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_ip_address; #

The internet_ip_address method generates a random ficticious ip address. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the ip_address method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_ip_address_v4; #

The internet_ip_address_v4 method generates a random ficticious ip address v4. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the ip_address_v4 method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_ip_address_v6; # 8711:aa2d:654d:65b5:1079:ba06:bbac:d496

The internet_ip_address_v6 method generates a random ficticious ip address v6. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the ip_address_v6 method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_root_domain; # org

The internet_root_domain method generates a random ficticious root domain. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the root_domain method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->internet_url; #

The internet_url method generates a random ficticious url. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the url method on the Faker::Provider::Internet class.


$faker->lorem_paragraph; # voluptatibus sit aut culpa et ....

The lorem_paragraph method generates a random ficticious paragraph. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the paragraph method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class.


$faker->lorem_paragraphs; # assumenda voluptatibus ....

The lorem_paragraphs method generates a random ficticious paragraphs. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the paragraphs method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class.


$faker->lorem_sentence; # consequatur doloremque assumenda optio rerum.

The lorem_sentence method generates a random ficticious sentence. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the sentence method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class.


$faker->lorem_sentences; # odit qui provident et quia.

The lorem_sentences method generates a random ficticious sentences. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the sentences method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class.


$faker->lorem_word; # utim

The lorem_word method generates a random ficticious word. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the word method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class.


$faker->lorem_words; # consequatur suscipit asperiores sed similique

The lorem_words method generates a random ficticious words. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the words method on the Faker::Provider::Lorem class.


$faker->person_first_name; # Jane

The person_first_name method generates a random ficticious first name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the first_name method on the Faker::Provider::Person class.


$faker->person_last_name; # Doe

The person_last_name method generates a random ficticious last name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the last_name method on the Faker::Provider::Person class.


$faker->person_name; # Jane Doe

The person_name method generates a random ficticious full name. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name method on the Faker::Provider::Person class.


$faker->person_name_prefix; # Ms.

The person_name_prefix method generates a random ficticious name prefix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name_prefix method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Person class.


$faker->person_name_suffix; # IV

The person_name_suffix method generates a random ficticious name suffix. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the name_suffix method on the Faker::Provider::en_US::Person class.


$faker->person_username; # John74

The person_username method generates a random ficticious username. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the username method on the Faker::Provider::Person class.


$faker->telephone_number; # 319-193-6964

The telephone_number method generates a random ficticious telephone number. This method is a proxy method which is the equivalent of calling the number method on the Faker::Provider::Telephone class.


Some parts of this library were adopted from the following implementations.


Al Newkirk <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Al Newkirk.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.