Changes for version 0.0.1 - 2011-12-12
- x properly traverses children of children of child documents (n) levels deep
- x added support for gridfs fields
- x collapsing currently only collapses dirty fields but should be mindful of fields with default values
- x child and relative document class handlers should pass back the document class object reference instead of the handler object ref
- x child and relative document class handlers should be able to handle objects as initial parameters
- x this library is soooo new, .... its new
A proper ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for MongoDB
MongoDBI Application Class and Document Class Controller
Defines and Represents a MongoDB Collection and Document
A Relationship Wrapper Around MongoDBI Embedded Documents
Configuration for a MongoDBI Document Class
A GridFS Wrapper Around MongoDBI File Documents
A Relationship Wrapper Around MongoDBI Relational Documents
MongoDBI Document Storage Interface
MongoDBI Chainable Collection Query Builder
Standard MongoDBI Document/Collection Operations
Syntactic Sugar For Defining MongoDBI Document Classes
in lib/MongoDBI/Document/