MongoDBI - A proper ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for MongoDB
version 0.0.12
... in
package CDDB;
use MongoDBI;
app {
# shared mongodb connection
database => {
name => 'mongodbi_cddb',
host => 'mongodb://localhost:27017'
# load child doc classes
classes => {
self => 1, # loads CDDB::*
load => ['Other::Namespace']
... in CDDB/
package CDDB::Album;
use MongoDBI::Document;
# collection name
store 'albums';
# required fields
key 'title', is_str, is_req;
key 'released', is_date, is_req;
# optional fields
key 'rating', is_int, default => 1;
# embedded documents
embed 'tracks', class => 'CDDB::Track', type => 'multiple';
# related artist document
has_one 'band', class => 'CDDB::Artist';
# stored query
filter 'top_rated' => sub {
my ($filter, $self, @args) = @_;
$filter->where('rating$gte' => 5 )
... and finally in your
use DateTime;
my $cddb = CDDB->new;
my $cds = $cddb->class('album'); # grabs CDDB::Album
my $cd = $cds->new(
title => 'Just doin my job boss',
released => DateTime->now
# search using stored query (aka filter) and loop
print shift->{title}, "\n"
Why MongoDB? "MongoDB has the best features of document, key/value and relational databases."
MongoDBI is an Object-Document-Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB. It allows you to create Moose-based classes to interact with MongoDB databases. Born out of the frustration of waiting for someone else to create a proper MongoDB modeling framework, I decided to bite-the-bullet and try my hand at it.
At-a-glance, most will enjoy MongoDBI for its ability to easily model classes while leveraging the power of MongoDB's schemaless and expeditious document-based design, dynamic queries, and atomic modifier operations.
Also noteworthy is MongoDBI's ease-of-use, chainable search facilities (filters), automated indexing, moose-integration (inheritance support, etc), lean document updates via dirty field tracking, and ability for each class to be configured to use a different database and connection, etc.
This class, MongoDBI, sub-classes MongoDBI::Application, please review that module for more usage information.
Al Newkirk <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by awncorp.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.