Changes for version 0.0.4 - 2011-12-19

  • x add is_id, and is_inc to M::D::Sugar. is_inc will auto-increment the field when collapsing occurs (usually on save or insert), and is_id adds a constraint that the field must be a MongoDB::OID
  • x try using boolean::* methods to get exists to work properly
  • x add paging convenience method to M::D::S::Criterion


A proper ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for MongoDB
MongoDBI Application Class and Document Class Controller
Defines and Represents a MongoDB Collection and Document
A Relationship Wrapper Around MongoDBI Embedded Documents
Configuration for a MongoDBI Document Class
A GridFS Wrapper Around MongoDBI File Documents
A Relationship Wrapper Around MongoDBI Relational Documents
MongoDBI Document Storage Interface
MongoDBI Chainable Collection Query Builder
Standard MongoDBI Document/Collection Operations
Syntactic Sugar For Defining MongoDBI Document Classes


in lib/MongoDBI/Document/