Validation::Class - Centralized Input Validation For Any Application


version 0.110110


Validation::Class is a different approach to data validation, it attempts to simplify and centralize data validation rules to ensure DRY (don't repeat yourself) code. The primary intent of this module is to provide a simplistic validation work-flow and promote code (validation) reuse. The following is an example of that...

use MyApp::Validation;

my $input = MyApp::Validation->new($params);
unless ($input->validate('login', 'password')){
    return $input->errors;



The field function defines the validation rules for the specified parameter it is named after. e.g. field 'some_data' => {...}, validates against the value of the hash reference where the key is `some_data`.

field 'some_param' => {
    mixin => 'default',
    validation => sub {
        my ($v, $this, $params) = @_;
        $v->error($this, "...")
            if ...

Fields are comprised of specific directives, those directives are as follows:
name: The name of the field (auto set)
value: The value of the parameter matching the name of the field (auto set)
mixin: The template to be used to copy directives from

mixin 'template' => {
    required => 1

field 'a_field' => {
    mixin => 'template'

mixin_field: The field to be used as a mixin(template) to copy directives from

field 'a_field' => {
    required => 1,
    min_length => 2,
    max_length => 10

field 'b_field' => {
    mixin_field => 'a_field'

validation: A validation routine that returns true or false

field '...' => {
    validation => sub {
        my ($self, $field, $all_parameters) = @_;
        return 1

errors: The collection of errors encountered during processing (auto set arrayref)
label: An alias for the field name, something more human-readable
error: A custom error message, displayed instead of the generic ones
required : Determines whether the field is required or not, takes 1/0 true of false
min_length: Determines the maximum length of characters allowed
max_length: Determines the minimum length of characters allowed
ref_type: Determines whether the field value is a valid perl reference variable
regex: Determines whether the field value passed the regular expression test

field 'c_field' => {
    label => 'a field labeled c',
    error => 'a field labeled c cannot ',
    required => 1,
    min_length => 2,
    max_length => 25,
    ref_type => 'array',
    regex => '^\d+$'

filter: An alias for the filters directive, see filter method for filter names
filters: Set filters to manipulate the data before validation

field 'd_field' => {
    filters => [

field 'e_field' => {
    filter => 'strip'

field 'f_field' => {
    filters => [
        sub {
            $_[0] =~ s/(abc)|(123)//;


The mixin function defines validation rule templates to be later reused by more specifically defined fields.

mixin 'default' => {
    required    => 1,
    min_length  => 4,
    max_length  => 255


The error function is used to set and/or retrieve errors encountered or set during validation. The error function with no parameters returns the error message arrayref which can be used to output a single concatenated error message a with delimeter.

$self->error() # returns an arrayref of errors
join '<br/>', @{$self->error()}; # html-break delimeted errors
$self->error('some_param'); # show parameter-specific error messages arrayref
$self->error($this, "$name must conform ..."); # set error, see `field` function


The errors function is a synonym for the error function.


The check_mixin function is used internally to validate the defined keys and values of mixins.


The check_field function is used internally to validate the defined keys and values of fields.


The use_mixin function sequentially applies defined mixin parameteres (as templates)to the specified field.


The use_mixin_field function copies the properties (directives) of a specified field to the target field processing copied mixins along the way.


The validate function sequentially checks the passed-in field names against their defined validation rules and returns 0 or 1 based on the existence of errors.


The basic_validate function processes the pre-defined contraints e.g., required, min_length, max_length, etc.


The basic_filter function processes the pre-defined filters e.g., trim, strip, digit, alpha, numeric, alphanumeric, uppercase, lowercase, titlecase, or custom etc.


The validation_schema method encapsulates fields and mixins and returns a Validation::Class instance for further validation. This method exist for situations where Validation::Class is use outside of a specific validation package.

my $i = validation_schema(
        mixins => {
                'default' => {
                        required => 1
        fields => {
                'test1' => {
                        mixin => 'default'

# Important store the new instance
$o = $i->setup({ test1 => '...' });

if ($o->validate('test1')) {


package MyApp::Validation
use Validation::Class;

# define a mixin, a sortof template that can be included with other rules
# by using the mixin directive

mixin 'default' => {
    required    => 1,
    min_length  => 4,
    max_length  => 255

# define a data validation rule for parameter `login` using the default
# mixin where the `login` must be between 4-255 characters long and have
# at least one letter and number

field 'login' => {
    label => 'user login',
    mixin => 'default',
    validation => sub {
        my ($self, $this, $params) = @_;
        my ($name, $value) = ($this->{label}, $params->{login});
        $self->error($this, "$name must contain at least one letter and number")
            unless ($value =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ || $value =~ /[0-9]/);

# define a data validation rule for parameter `password` using the
# previously defined field `login` as the mixin (template)

field 'password' => {
    mixin_field => 'login',
    label => 'user password'


And now for my second and final act, using Validation::Class outside of a package.

use Validation::Class;

my $i = validation_schema(
        mixins => {
            default => {
                required    => 1,
                min_length  => 4,
                max_length  => 255
        fields => {
            login => {
                label => 'user login',
                mixin => 'default',
                validation => sub {
                    my ($self, $this, $params) = @_;
                    my ($name, $value) = ($this->{name}, $params->{login});
                    $self->error($this, "field $name must contain at least one letter and number")
                        if ($value !~ /[a-zA-Z]/ && $value !~ /[0-9]/);
            password => {
                mixin_field => 'login',
                label => 'user password'

# Important, store the new instance created by the $i->setup function
$o = $i->setup($params);

unless ($o->validate) {
    return $o->errors


Al Newkirk <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by awncorp.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.