Validation::Class::Cookbook - Basic Instructions for Awesomeness


This documentation will serves as a brief overview of various usage scenarios for Validation::Class.

Data Modeling Fun

Recently I been experimenting with using Validation::Class (v5.50+) to provide a self-validating data model in various projects. The DRY approach the library enforces ensures data integrity through consistency.

I personally prefer to check incoming data once and ensure it meets a specific criteria then move on throughout various layers in the application stack with a level-of-certainty that the input is as it should be, ... sort've a set-it-and-forget-it point-of-view.

Prior to recent changes, the general idea was to have application developers create a validation class in addition to an existing data/object model (which is twice the work), this was the reasoning behind having the framework ship with a half-baked Moose adapter.

The two main changes in Validation::Class are, automatic generation of attributes based on field names, and the method keyword which creates self-validating routines (sorta like method signatures). Simple as it may seem, these two changes allow developers to easily create data models and objects with validating attributes and methods with built-in validation and error handling while remaining fast and extensible due to its lean dependency chain.

Die On Your Own Terms

Validation::Class won't die on instantiation (or anywhere else for that matter) unless you tell it to. The ignore_failure flag when set to false will confess to method validate failures. The ignore_unknown flag when set to false will confess to an attempt to validate a parameter with no matching field definition.

Although the sentiment may not be shared by all, error handling is on of those things I'd just like to be there without worry too much about how its setup. Validation and error handling are built-in mechanisms you are encouraged to leverage.

The Example

The following is a reasonably realistic albeit lame example of Validation::Class usage scenarios:

... in (the glue)

package MyApp;

use Validation::Class;

load {
    classes => 1;


... in MyApp/ (the role/base-class)

package MyApp::Person;

use Validation::Class;

mxn 'basic' => {
    require => 1,
    filters => ['trim', 'strip']

fld 'first_name' => {
    mixin => 'basic'

fld 'last_name' => {
    mixin => 'basic'

... in MyApp/ (an app user)

package MyApp::User;

use Validation::Class;

load {
    base => 'MyApp::Person'

fld 'login' => {
    mixin => 'basic'

fld 'password' => {
    mixin => 'basic'

mth 'register' => {
    input => ['first_name', 'last_name', 'login', 'password'],
    using => sub {
        my ($self) = @_;
        # do something registrationy

... in (the script)

use MyApp;

# find some parameters, e.g.

#my $params = {
#    'user.first_name' => '...',
#    'user.last_name'  => '...',
#    'user.login'      => '...',
#    'user.password'   => '...'
#my $params = {
#    user => {
#        first_name => '...',
#        last_name  => '...',
#        login      => '...',
#        password   => '...'
#    }

my $app = MyApp->new(params => $params);

my $user = $app->class('user');

unless ($user->register) {
    print $user->errors_to_string

# OR

my $user = MyApp::User->new(first_name => '...', last_name => '...');


unless ($user->error_count) {


package MyApp::User;

use Validation::Class;

# a validation rule template
mixin 'basic'  => {
    required   => 1,
    min_length => 1,
    max_length => 255,
    filters    => ['lowercase', 'alphanumeric']

# a validation rule
field 'login'  => {
    mixin      => 'basic',
    label      => 'user login',
    error      => 'login invalid',
    validation => sub {
        my ($self, $this, $fields) = @_;
        return $this->{value} eq 'admin' ? 1 : 0;

# a validation rule
field 'password'  => {
    mixin         => 'basic',
    label         => 'user login',
    error         => 'login invalid',
    validation    => sub {
        my ($self, $this, $fields) = @_;
        return $this->{value} eq 'pass' ? 1 : 0;


Your validation class can be thought of as your data model/input firewall. The benefits this approach provides might require you to change your perspective on parameter handling and workflow. Typically when designing an application we tend to name parameters arbitrarily and validate the same data in various stages during program's execution at various places in the application stack. This approach is inefficient and prone to bugs and security problems.

To get the most out of Validation::Class you should consider each parameter hitting your application (individually) as a transmission fitting a very specific criteria, yes, like a field in a data model.

Your validation rules will act as filters which will reject or accept and format the transmission for use within your application, yes, almost exactly like a firewall.

A validation class is defined as follows:

package MyApp::User;

use Validation::Class;

# a mixin template
mxn 'basic'  => {
    required   => 1

# a validation rule
fld 'login'  => {
    label      => 'User Login',
    error      => 'Login invalid.',
    mixin      => 'basic',
    validation => sub {
        my ($self, $this_field, $all_params) = @_;
        return $this_field->{value} eq 'admin' ? 1 : 0;

# a validation rule
fld 'password'  => {
    label         => 'User Password',
    error         => 'Password invalid.',
    mixin         => 'basic',
    validation    => sub {
        my ($self, $this_field, $all_params) = @_;
        return $this_field->{value} eq 'pass' ? 1 : 0;

# a validation profile
pro 'registration'  => sub {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return $self->validate(qw(

# an auto-validating method
mth 'register'  => {
    input => [qw/+login +password/],
    using => sub {
        my ($self, @args) = shift;
        # ... do something


The fields defined will be used to validate the specified input parameters. You specify the input parameters at/after instantiation, parameters should take the form of a hashref of key/value pairs passed to the params attribute, or attribute/value pairs. Multi-level (nested) hashrefs are allowed and are inflated/deflated in accordance with the rules of Hash::Flatten. The following is an example on using your validate class to validate input in various scenarios:

# web app
package MyApp;

use MyApp::User;
use Misc::WebAppFramework;

get '/auth' => sub {
    # get user input parameters
    my $params = shift;

    # initialize validation class and set input parameters
    my $user = MyApp::User->new(params => $params);
    unless ($user->validate('login', 'password')) {
        # print errors to browser unless validation is successful
        return $user->errors_to_string;
    return 'you have authenticated';

Lazy validation? Have your validation class automatically find the appropriate fields to validate against (params must match field names).

use MyApp::User;

my $user = MyApp::User->new(params => $params);

unless ($user->validate){

    return $input->errors_to_string;


This approach can be utilized but is not recommended as the input dictates which fields to validate allowing margin for unexpected results. You can define an alias to automatically map a parameter to a validation field whereby a field definition will have an alias attribute containing an arrayref of alternate parameters that can be matched against passed-in parameters.

package MyApp::User;

field 'fu' => {
    alias => [

package main;

use MyApp::User;

my  $user = MyApp::User->new(params => { foo => 1 });

unless ($user->validate('fu'){

    return $user->errors_to_string;


# OK because foo is an alias on the fu field

Filtering Incoming Data

Validation::Class supports pre/post filtering but is configured to pre-filter incoming data. This means that based upon the filtering options supplied within the individual fields, filtering will happen before validation (technically at instantiation and again just before validation). As expected, this is configurable via the filtering attribute.

A WORD OF CAUTION: Validation::Class is configured to pre-filter incoming data which boosts application security and is best used with passive filtering (e.g. converting character case - filtering which only alters the input in predictable ways), versus aggressive filtering (e.g. formatting a telephone number) which completely and permanently changes the incoming data ... so much so that if the validation still fails ... errors that are reported may not match the data that was submitted.

If you're sure you'd rather employ aggressive filtering, I suggest setting the filtering attribute to 'post' for post-filtering or setting it to null and applying the filters manually by calling the apply_filters() method.

Auto Serialization/Deserialization

Validation::Class supports automatic serialization and deserialization of parameters with complex data structures which means that you can set a parameter as an arrayref or hashref of nested data structures and validate against them, likewise you can set a parameters using parameter names which are serialized string representations of the keys within the complex structure you wish to set and validate against. The serialization rules are as documented in Hash::Flatten.

The following is an example of that:

my $params = {
    user => {
        login => 'admin',
        password => 'pass'

my $input = MyApp->new(params => $params);

# or

my $params = {
    'user.login' => 'admin',
    'user.password' => 'pass'

my $input = MyApp->new(params => $params);

# field definition using field('user.login', ...)
# and field('user.password', ...) will match against the parameters above

# after filtering, validation, etc ... return your params as a hashref if
# needed

my $params = $input->get_params_hash;

Separation of Concerns

For larger applications where a single validation class might become cluttered and inefficient, Validation::Class comes equipped to help you separate your validation rules into separate classes.

The idea is that you'll end up with a main validation class (most likely empty) that will simply serve as your point of entry into your relative (child) classes. The following is an example of this:

package MyVal::User;

use Validation::Class;

field name => { ... };
field email => { ... };
field login => { ... };
field password => { ... };

package MyVal::Profile;

use Validation::Class;

field age => { ... };
field sex => { ... };
field birthday => { ... };

package MyVal;

use Validation::Class;

load { classes => 1 };

package main;

my $input = MyVal->new(params => $params);

my $user = $input->class('user');

my $profile = $input->class('profile');



Filtering Incoming Data

Validation::Class supports pre/post filtering but is configured to pre-filter incoming data. This means that based upon the filtering options supplied within the individual fields, filtering will happen before validation (technically at instantiation and again just before validation). As expected, this is configurable via the filtering attribute.

A WORD OF CAUTION: Validation::Class is configured to pre-filter incoming data which boosts application security and is best used with passive filtering (e.g. converting character case - filtering which only alters the input in predictable ways), versus aggressive filtering (e.g. formatting a telephone number) which completely and permanently changes the incoming data ... so much so that if the validation still fails ... errors that are reported may not match the data that was submitted.

If you're sure you'd rather employ aggressive filtering, I suggest setting the filtering attribute to 'post' for post-filtering or setting it to null and applying the filters manually by calling the apply_filters() method.


When creating official Validation::Class plugins you should use the namespace Validation::Class::Plugin::YourPluginName. This will allow users of your plugin to simply pass YourPluginName to the load_plugins() method. Otherwise you will need to pass the fully-qualified plugin package name prefixed with a "+" symbol. The following is an example of including a plugin.

package MyApp::User;

use Validation::Class;

load {
    plugins => [
        'PluginName', # Validation::Class::Plugin::PluginName

# a validation rule
field 'login'  => {
    label      => 'User Login',
    error      => 'Login invalid.',
    required   => 1,
    validation => sub {
        my ($self, $this_field, $all_params) = @_;
        return $this_field->{value} eq 'admin' ? 1 : 0;

# a validation rule
field 'password'  => {
    label         => 'User Password',
    error         => 'Password invalid.',
    required      => 1,
    validation    => sub {
        my ($self, $this_field, $all_params) = @_;
        return $this_field->{value} eq 'pass' ? 1 : 0;


Your plugin is loaded at runtime and can manipulate the Validation::Class object by declaring a new method. The following is an example of a fictitious plugin for formatting telephone numbers:

package Validation::Class::Plugin::TelephoneFormatting;

# hook into the instantiation process
# of the calling class at runtime
sub new {

    my ($plugin, $caller) = @_;
    # US Telephones
    $caller->filters->{telephone_usa} = sub {
        my $phone = shift;
           $phone =~ s/\D//g;
        my ($area, $prefix, $xchng) = $phone =~ m/1?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4});
        return "+1 ($area) $prefix-$xchng";

Once we create, test and deploy our plugin, we can use it in our code as follows:

package MyApp::User;

use Validation::Class;

load {
    plugins => ['TelephoneFormatting']

# a validation rule
field 'phone'  => {
    label      => 'Telephone Number',
    error      => 'Phone number invalid.',
    required   => 1,
    filters    => 'telephone_usa',
    filtering  => 'post',
    pattern    => '+1 (###) ###-####'

package main ;

my $input = MyApp::User->new(...);

# ...


Al Newkirk <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by awncorp.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.