Venus::Replace - Replace Class


Replace Class for Perl 5


package main;

use Venus::Replace;

my $replace = Venus::Replace->new(
  string => 'hello world',
  regexp => '(world)',
  substr => 'universe',

# $replace->captures;


This package provides methods for manipulating regexp replacement data.


This package has the following attributes:



This attribute is read-write, accepts (Str) values, is optional, and defaults to ''.



This attribute is read-write, accepts (Regexp) values, is optional, and defaults to qr//.



This attribute is read-write, accepts (Str) values, is optional, and defaults to ''.



This attribute is read-write, accepts (Str) values, is optional, and defaults to ''.


This package inherits behaviors from:



This package integrates behaviors from:




This package provides the following methods:


captures() (ArrayRef)

The captures method returns the capture groups from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation. This method can return a list of values in list-context.

Since 0.01

captures example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $captures = $replace->captures;

# ["world"]


count() (Num)

The count method returns the number of match occurrences from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

count example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $count = $replace->count;

# 1


evaluate() (ArrayRef)

The evaluate method performs the regular expression operation and returns an arrayref representation of the results.

Since 0.01

evaluate example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $evaluate = $replace->evaluate;

# [
#   "(world)",
#   "hello universe",
#   1,
#   [6, 6],
#   [11, 11],
#   {},
#   "hello world",
# ]
evaluate example 2
package main;

use Venus::Replace;

my $replace = Venus::Replace->new(
  string => 'hello world',
  regexp => 'world)(',
  substr => 'universe',

my $evaluate = $replace->evaluate;

# Exception! Venus::Replace::Error (isa Venus::Error)


explain() (Str)

The explain method returns the subject of the regular expression operation and is used in stringification operations.

Since 0.01

explain example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $explain = $replace->explain;

# "hello universe"


get() (Str)

The get method returns the subject of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

get example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $get = $replace->get;

# "hello universe"


initial() (Str)

The initial method returns the unaltered string from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

initial example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $initial = $replace->initial;

# "hello world"


last_match_end() (Maybe[ArrayRef[Int]])

The last_match_end method returns an array of offset positions into the string where the capture(s) stopped matching from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

last_match_end example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $last_match_end = $replace->last_match_end;

# [11, 11]


last_match_start() (Maybe[ArrayRef[Int]])

The last_match_start method returns an array of offset positions into the string where the capture(s) matched from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

last_match_start example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $last_match_start = $replace->last_match_start;

# [6, 6]


matched() (Maybe[Str])

The matched method returns the portion of the string that matched from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

matched example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $matched = $replace->matched;

# "world"


named_captures() (HashRef)

The named_captures method returns a hash containing the requested named regular expressions and captured string pairs from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

named_captures example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $named_captures = $replace->named_captures;

# {}
named_captures example 2
package main;

use Venus::Replace;

my $replace = Venus::Replace->new(
  string => 'hello world',
  regexp => '(?<locale>world)',
  substr => 'universe',

my $named_captures = $replace->named_captures;

# { locale => ["world"] }


postmatched() (Maybe[Str)

The postmatched method returns the portion of the string after the regular expression matched from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

postmatched example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $postmatched = $replace->postmatched;

# ""


prematched() (Maybe[Str)

The prematched method returns the portion of the string before the regular expression matched from the result object which contains information about the results of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

prematched example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $prematched = $replace->prematched;

# "hello "


set(Str $data) (Str)

The set method sets the subject of the regular expression operation.

Since 0.01

set example 1
# given: synopsis;

my $set = $replace->set('hello universe');

# "hello universe"


This package overloads the following operators:

operation: (.)

This package overloads the . operator.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $result = $replace . ', welcome';

# "hello universe, welcome"
operation: (eq)

This package overloads the eq operator.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $result = $replace eq 'hello universe';

# 1
operation: (ne)

This package overloads the ne operator.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $result = $replace ne 'Hello universe';

# 1
operation: (qr)

This package overloads the qr operator.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $result = 'hello universe, welcome' =~ qr/$replace/;

# 1
operation: ("")

This package overloads the "" operator.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $result = "$replace";

# "hello universe"

example 2

# given: synopsis;

my $result = "$replace, $replace";

# "hello universe, hello universe"
operation: (~~)

This package overloads the ~~ operator.

example 1

# given: synopsis;

my $result = $replace ~~ 'hello universe';

# 1