Changes for version 0.5 - 2005-12-09
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -X -n Continuity -v 0.5
Simplify web apps through abstraction (such as continuations)
Use HTTP::Daemon as a continuation server
Map a request onto a continuation
A continuation server based on Coro::Cont
Simplified use of Continuity::Server
a component specialized for HTML usages
in lib/Continuity/Server/
- eg/ahah.js
- eg/
- eg/ataxx/
- eg/ataxx/
- eg/ataxx/blue-red-flip.gif
- eg/ataxx/blue.gif
- eg/ataxx/board.html
- eg/ataxx/red-blue-flip.gif
- eg/ataxx/red.gif
- eg/backbutton.html
- eg/bleh.php
- eg/client.php
- eg/
- eg/
- eg/
- eg/
- eg/
- eg/hello.html
- eg/
- eg/hi.txt
- eg/inventory/
- eg/inventory/
- eg/inventory/
- eg/inventory/db.sql
- eg/inventory/
- eg/
- eg/
- eg/second.html
- eg/tao-black.png
- eg/