Changes for version 0.97
- Fix Continuity::Adapt::FCGI (was broken in last release)
- Update FCGI examples
- Unify code on calling them "Adapters" instead of "Adaptors"
- Fixes debug_level respecting
- Set default debugging level to 1 (important warnings)
- Make debugging level 0 really quiet
Abstract away statelessness of HTTP, for stateful Web applications
Use HTTP::Daemon as a continuation server
Use HTTP::Daemon to get HTTP requests
Map a request onto a session
Simple HTTP::Request-like API for requests inside Continuity
in lib/Continuity/Adapt/
in lib/Continuity/Adapt/
in lib/Continuity/
in lib/Continuity/
in lib/Continuity/
in lib/Continuity/Adapt/
in lib/Continuity/Adapt/
- eg/
- eg/broken/
- eg/broken/
- eg/broken/
- eg/broken/fcgi_nocont.fcgi
- eg/broken/
- eg/broken/guess_fcgi.fcgi
- eg/chat-ajax-push.js
- eg/
- eg/
- eg/counter.fcgi
- eg/
- eg/fcgi_nocont.fcgi
- eg/
- eg/guess.fcgi
- eg/
- eg/hello.fcgi
- eg/
- eg/jquery.js
- eg/
- eg/
- eg/old/bleh.php
- eg/old/client.php
- eg/old/
- eg/