Contize - Help an object be a continuation thingie (suspendable)
Help an object be suspendable, like a continuation.
Contize helps an object to be suspendable. The object must be aware of this, and when it is ready to be halted calls $self->suspend(@results), replacing the normal return statement.
- $thingie = new Contize($thingie)
Takes a $thingie object and continuizes it... we replace it with ourselves and intercept all method calls.
- $thingie->nocache('methodname1', 'methodname2', ...)
Turn off caching for the given methods
- $thingie->somemethod(@params) ... aka AUTOLOAD
AUTOLOAD actually does the work. We intercept method invocations and usually cache the results. Difficult to explain...
- $thingie->suspend($retval)
This replaces the return function in a subroutine and suspends the object. When the object is resumed it will give $retval to the caller.
- $thingie->reset()
Reset the thingie so that it will be re-run. This clears the callstack and the callstack_count so that it will begin returning cached results.
Upon destruction we undef our child, thus calling the child's own DESTROY, if such a thing exists. I'm pretty sure this is the proper way to do things, but it might break if their DESTROY does more complicated activities.
Brock Wilcox <>
Copyright (c) 2004 Brock Wilcox <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.