Crypt::Rot13 - a rotational deviator
#!/usr/bin/env perl
$^W = 1;
use strict;
use Crypt::Rot13;
my $cryptochango = new Crypt::Rot13;
$cryptochango->charge("Someone help us, please!");
print $cryptochango->rot13(5), "\n";
Rot13 provides an object into which arrays may be placed, and then returned to you in altered - specifically: rotated - form. The above code would print, "Xtrjtsj mjqu zx, uqjfxj!". If instead of rot13(5), rot13(11) had been used the result would have been "Dzxpzyp spwa fd, awpldp!", and of course just rot13() would have resulted in the expected, "Fbzrbar uryc hf, cyrnfr!". Valid rot13() arguments are 0-26, though 0 and 26 do not alter the array.
Crypt::Rot13 has the following methods.
- new
standard constructor, this creates an array object, which is most convienent for mass text deviation.
- charge
defines the array object.
- peek
returns unaltered value of array object NOTE: rot13 as described above does not alter the object!
- rot13 degree
rotates alphabetical characters of array object degree times toward the Unreachable Wrapping Z, or 13 times if degree is omitted.
Julian Fondren is, and can usually be found on #Perl, EFnet IRC.