Padre::Plugin::Ecliptic - Padre plugin that provides Eclipse-like useful features


1. After installation, run Padre.
2. Make sure that it is enabled from 'Plugins\Plugin Manager".
3. Once enabled, there should be a menu option called Plugins/Ecliptic.


Once you enable this Plugin under Padre, you'll get a brand new menu with the following options:

'Open Resource' (Shortcut: Ctrl-Shift-R)

This opens a nice dialog that allows you to find any file that exists in the current document or working directory. You can use ? to replace a single character or * to replace an entire string. The matched files list are sorted alphabetically and you can select one or more files to be opened in Padre when you press the OK button.

You can simply ignore CVS, .svn and .git folders using a simple checkbox (enhancement over Eclipse).

List Key Bindings (Shortcut: Ctrl-Shift-L)

This opens a dialog with a yellow list of current Padre actions/shortcuts. When you hit the OK button, the selected Padre action will be performed.

Quick Menu Access (Shortcut: Ctrl-3)

This opens a dialog where you can search for menu labels. When you hit the OK button, the menu item will be selected.

Quick Outline Access (Shortcut: Ctrl-4)

This opens a dialog where you can search for outline tree. When you hit the OK button, the outline element in the outline tree will be selected.

Quick Module Access (Shortcut: Ctrl-5)

This opens a dialog where you can search for a CPAN module. When you hit the OK button, the selected module will be displayed in Padre's POD browser.

Open in Explorer (Shortcut: Ctrl-6)

For the current saved Padre document, open the platform's file manager and tries to select it if possible. On win32, opens the containing folder and selects the file in explorer. On *inux KDE/GNOME, opens the containing folder for it.


Shows a classic about box with this module's name and version.

Why the name Ecliptic?

I wanted a simple plugin name for including Eclipse-related killer features into Padre. So i came up with Ecliptic and it turned out to be the orbit which the Sun takes. And i love it!


Ahmad M. Zawawi, <ahmad.zawawi at>


Copyright 2009 Ahmad M. Zawawi, <ahmad.zawawi at>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.