Changes for version 0.44
- A Perl 6 document supports both Ecliptic's event_on_quick_fix and Padre's right click menu
- Implemented quick fixes for the following STD warnings/errors:
- Undeclared routine and keywords: foo() or if()
- Variable is not predeclared
- Use ~ instead of . for string concatenation
- use of C++ constructor syntax
- Use . instead of -> for method call
- Implemented Comment error line quick fix
- Fixed highlighting to work over multiple Perl 6 document tabs
Padre plugin for Perl6
Perl6 document outline structure info gathering in the background
Perl document syntax-checking in the background
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/