Changes for version 0.50
- Wrote a script to read and write a POD named perl6_table_index.pod. Thanks to Herbert Breunung and Martin Berends.
- Extended Grok in an unofficial way to support perl6_table_index.pod and thus we now have more Perl 6 keywords/builtin and operator documentation.
- use only one grok instance per dialog lifetime
- Help topics can now be anything that is not whitespace which means Perl 6 operators, keywords and built-ins are now supported.
- Removed obsolete keywords support. Perl 6 Help now will take its place.
- require Locale::Msgfmt 0.14
- Converted EOL to Unix for some template files
- Updated translations: Dutch (ddn123456++) French (jquelin++)
Padre plugin for Perl6
Perl6 document outline structure info gathering in the background
Perl document syntax-checking in the background
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/