Changes for version 0.54
- Depends on S:H:P6 version 0.65 to fix ticket:461 "Syntax check hanging with perl6 infix & regex"
- Depends on Padre 0.41. Please upgrade it or otherwise it will not work.
- Allow the use of the new syntax highlighter configuration of Padre 0.41 (szabgab++)
- Move the Parrot based syntax highlighting to the Parrot plugin (szabgab++)
- F2 now works on select text - if there is any (szabgab++)
- Updated translations:
- Dutch (ddn123456++)
- French (jquelin++)
- move the text_with_on_nl method from the Perl 6 document to the Padre::Document
- Remove obsolete colorizer selection list. It is now handled by Padre.
- Updated dutch translation.
Padre plugin for Perl 6
Perl6 document outline structure info gathering in the background
Perl document syntax-checking in the background
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/