Changes for version 0.57

  • Depends on Padre 0.43 to make use of plugin_directory_share Depends on S:H:P6 0.71 and App::Grok 0.19 Perl 6 Help dialog is moved to Padre core as "Help Search" Create Perl 6 menu is working again. (szabgab) Reuse Padre::Wx::Main help method (szabgab) Updated translations: German translation update (Sewi++) French translation (jquelin++) dutch translation (ddn123456++) Renamed to the new Padre 0.43 PO naming scheme use the new Padre::Perl API for findinf perl5 (szabgab) safety crash hiding (szabgab) double quote temporary directory


Padre plugin for Perl 6
Perl6 document outline structure info gathering in the background
Perl document syntax-checking in the background


in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/