Changes for version 0.58
- Updated translations: Arabic French (jquelin++) German (Sewi++) Integrated with Padre's 0.44 Quick Fix Helper Integrated with Padre's 0.44 Help Provider Reverting back to _sharedir until we get the Module::Build gets a sharedir property error prefix was recently switched from ### PARSE FAILED ### to ===SORRY!=== Prevent STD from inserting that block unicode character into error messages. $PERL6HERE Removed "Perl 6 Executable" until rakudo actually supports it again Depends on Syntax:Highlight:Perl6 0.72 Depends on Perl6::Doc 0.45 Added perlobjintro and perlreintro that Perl6::Doc 0.45 now supports
Padre plugin for Perl 6
Perl 6 Help Provider
Perl6 document outline structure info gathering in the background
Padre Perl 5 Quick Fix Provider
Perl document syntax-checking in the background
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/
in lib/Padre/Plugin/Perl6/