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wxStyledTextCtrl - Selection & Positioning

  • GetAnchor

  • GetColumn

  • GetCurrentPos

  • GetLineEndPosition

  • GetSelectedText

  • GetSelection

  • GetSelectionEnd

  • GetSelectionStart

  • GotoLine

  • GotoPos

  • HideSelection

  • LineFromPosition

  • MoveCaretInsideView

  • PointFromPosition

  • PositionFromLine

  • PositionFromPoint

  • PositionFromPointClose

  • SelectAll

  • SelectionIsRectangle

  • SetAnchor

  • SetCurrentPos

  • SetSelBackground

  • SetSelection

  • SetSelectionEnd

  • SetSelectionStart

  • SetSelForeground


This page is about the selection region and positioning. The selection region encompasses two points (actually, positions) in the Document: the anchor and the current position. If these are identical then there's no selected text.

The position is the logical location in the Document; which ranges from 0 (before the first character) to the Document size (after the last character).

Note that you need to use care when using methods which change the position: you can set the position to between a CR LF pair, or within a 2-byte character. There's no simple call to check this or fix this up. If interested, examine the Scintilla sources: Document.cxx - Document::MovePositionOutsideChar() and Editor.cxx - MovePositionOutsideChar(). There is no direct way to access these from wxPython or wxWindows. Keyboard movements and use of the keymap methods don't have this problem as they use the MovePositionOutsideChar code to adjust the position outside of CRLFs or 2-byte characters.

The method descriptions that follow are largely those shown in the Scintilla documentation, with a few corrections and additional notes.



Returns an integer with the current anchor position.




Returns an integer with the column number of the passed-in integer parameter pos (position) within the document taking the width of tabs into account. This returns the column number of the last tab on the line before pos, plus the number of characters between the last tab and pos. If there are no tabs characters on the line, the return value is the number of characters up to the position on the line. In both cases, double byte characters count as a single character. This is probably only useful with monospaced fonts.




Returns an integer with the current position.




This returns an integer with the position at the end of the line (after the last visible characters on a line specified by the integer parameter line, before any line end characters (after the last visible characters on a line).




Returns a string object with the contents of the selection. Obviously, if the selection length is zero then the string object will be empty.




Returns a tuple (start,end) where start and end are integers with the start and end positions of the current selection.




Returns an integer object with the position of the end of the selection. Note that this may be either the anchor or the current position, depending on which is larger: the larger of the two is returned.




Returns an integer object with the position of the start of the selection. Note that this may be either the anchor or the current position, depending on which is smaller: the smaller of the two is returned.




Sets the current position to the start of the line specified by the integer parameter line. If line is outside the range of lines in the document (first line is 0), the line set is the first or last.

The selection, if any, is removed. If necessary, the view is scrolled to make the caret visible. The anchor position is set the same as the current position.

Returns None.




This removes any selection, sets the caret to the position indicated by the integer parameter pos, and scrolls the view to make the caret visible, if necessary. It is equivalent to SetSelection(pos,pos). The anchor position is set the same as the current position. Returns None.




Draw the selection in normal mode if the integer parameter normal is 1 or hide the selection if normal = 0. Returns None.

Note that normal mode selection colors are set to a default: foreground is 0xFF0000, background is 0xC0C0C0. This can be changed with SetSelForeground and SetSelBackground.




Given a position pos (integer) within the Document, LineFromPos returns an integer value which is the line which contains pos. The return value is 0 if pos <= 0. The return value is the last line if pos is beyond the end of the document.




Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already. Any selection is lost. Returns None.




Given an integer argument pos which represents a position within the Document, the return value is a wxPoint object that contains the point in the window where a position is displayed.




This returns the an integer with the document position that corresponds with the start of the line specified by the integer parameter line. If line is negative, the position of the line holding the start of the selection is returned. If line is greater than the lines in the document, the return value is -1. If line is equal to the number of lines in the document (i.e. 1 line past the last line), the return value is the end of the document.




Returns the integer position given a wxPoint pt.




Returns the integer position given a pair of coordinates x,y. Returns wxSTC_INVALID_POSITION if there's no text close to the point.




Select all the text in the Document. Returns None.




Returns an integer whose value is 1 if the selection mode is Rectangle or 0 if the selection mode is stream. This is set by the user as she makes a selection: if the ALT key is held down during the selection process, then the selection is forced to be rectangular, otherwise it is stream, which just means 'whatever you select with the mouse'.




Sets the anchor position to the value of the integer parameter posAnchor. Note that this will create a selection region between the position at posAnchor and the currentPosition. If not visible, the caret will not be scrolled into view. Returns None.




Sets the anchor position to the value of the integer parameter pos. Note that this will create a selection region between the position at pos and the Anchor. If not visible, the caret will not be scrolled into view. Returns None.




The default color for the selection background is 0xC0C0C0. You use this method to change the background color or restore the default. The back parameter can be a wxColour object, a #RRGGBB string, or a color spec like "white". The useSetting (integer) parameter controls whether or not the value for back is used: if 1 then back is used, if 0 then the default is restored. The return value is None.


SetSelBackground(1,"red")  #change the selection background to red
SetSelBackground(0,"red")  #restore the default. "red" is ignored.




Create a selection region using the integer parameters start and end. Some special notes:

  • If end is negative then end is set to the end of the document before the selection operation is performed.

  • If start is negative then start is set to the value of end: this will remove the selection.

The caret will always be visible after SetSelection. SetSelection returns None.




Sets the selection, using the integer argument pos as the end of the selection (the currentPosition) and the preset anchor as the start of the selection. In effect, equivalent to SetSelection(pos,min(anchor,pos)). Note that this implies that if pos < anchor, then the selection is removed: setSelection (pos,pos).

The caret is not scrolled into view, even if neccessary. The method returns None.

The Scintilla documentation provides this table:





Max(pos, current)


Min(anchor, pos)


Also see EnsureCaretVisible




Sets the selection, using the integer argument pos as the start of the selection (the anchor) and the preset currentPosition as the end of the selection. In effect, equivalent to SetSelection(max(currentPos,pos),pos). Note that this implies that if pos > currentPosition, then the selection is removed: setSelection (pos,pos).

The caret is not scrolled into view, even if neccessary. The method returns None.

Also see: table 1 and EnsureCaretVisible




The default color for the selection foreground is 0xFF0000. You use this method to change the foreground color or restore the default. The fore parameter can be a wxColour object, a #RRGGBB string, or a color spec like "white". The useSetting (integer) parameter controls whether or not the value for back is used: if 1 then back is used, if 0 then the default is restored. The return value is None.


SetSelForeground(1,"green")  #change the selection foreground to green
SetSelForeground(0,"green")  #restore the default. "green" is ignored.

