version 3.07
Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined element ShipmentRequest from the namespace
The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY methods:
$element->set_Request($data); $element->get_Request();
Note: The name of this property has been altered, because it didn't match perl's notion of variable/subroutine names. The altered name is used in perl code only, XML output uses the original name:
$element->set_Shipment($data); $element->get_Shipment();
$element->set_LabelSpecification($data); $element->get_LabelSpecification();
my $element = Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipElements::ShipmentRequest->new($data);
Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():
Request => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::RequestType
RequestOption => $some_value, # string
TransactionReference => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::TransactionReferenceType
CustomerContext => $some_value, # string
TransactionIdentifier => $some_value, # string
Shipment => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentType
Description => $some_value, # string
ReturnService => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReturnServiceType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
DocumentsOnlyIndicator => $some_value, # string
Shipper => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipperType
ShipperNumber => $some_value, # string
FaxNumber => $some_value, # string
EMailAddress => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipAddressType
AddressLine => $some_value, # string
City => $some_value, # string
StateProvinceCode => $some_value, # string
PostalCode => $some_value, # string
CountryCode => $some_value, # string
ShipTo => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipToType
FaxNumber => $some_value, # string
EMailAddress => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipToAddressType
ResidentialAddressIndicator => $some_value, # string
LocationID => $some_value, # string
ShipFrom => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipFromType
FaxNumber => $some_value, # string
Address => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipAddressType
PaymentInformation => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PaymentInfoType
ShipmentCharge => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipmentChargeType
Type => $some_value, # string
BillShipper => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillShipperType
AccountNumber => $some_value, # string
CreditCard => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CreditCardType
Type => $some_value, # string
Number => $some_value, # string
ExpirationDate => $some_value, # string
SecurityCode => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CreditCardAddressType
AddressLine => $some_value, # string
City => $some_value, # string
StateProvinceCode => $some_value, # string
PostalCode => $some_value, # string
CountryCode => $some_value, # string
BillReceiver => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillReceiverType
AccountNumber => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillReceiverAddressType
PostalCode => $some_value, # string
BillThirdParty => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::BillThirdPartyChargeType
AccountNumber => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::AccountAddressType
PostalCode => $some_value, # string
CountryCode => $some_value, # string
ConsigneeBilledIndicator => $some_value, # string
SplitDutyVATIndicator => $some_value, # string
FRSPaymentInformation => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::FRSPaymentInfoType
Type => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PaymentType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
AccountNumber => $some_value, # string
Address => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::AccountAddressType
GoodsNotInFreeCirculationIndicator => $some_value, # string
ShipmentRatingOptions => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::RateInfoType
NegotiatedRatesIndicator => $some_value, # string
FRSShipmentIndicator => $some_value, # string
MovementReferenceNumber => $some_value, # string
ReferenceNumber => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReferenceNumberType
BarCodeIndicator => $some_value, # string
Code => $some_value, # string
Value => $some_value, # string
Service => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ServiceType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
InvoiceLineTotal => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CurrencyMonetaryType
CurrencyCode => $some_value, # string
MonetaryValue => $some_value, # string
ShipmentServiceOptions => {
Package => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageType
Description => $some_value, # string
Packaging => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackagingType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
Dimensions => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::DimensionsType
UnitOfMeasurement => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipUnitOfMeasurementType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
Length => $some_value, # string
Width => $some_value, # string
Height => $some_value, # string
PackageWeight => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageWeightType
UnitOfMeasurement => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipUnitOfMeasurementType
Weight => $some_value, # string
LargePackageIndicator => $some_value, # string
ReferenceNumber => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ReferenceNumberType
AdditionalHandlingIndicator => $some_value, # string
PackageServiceOptions => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageServiceOptionsType
DeliveryConfirmation => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::DeliveryConfirmationType
DCISType => $some_value, # string
DCISNumber => $some_value, # string
DeclaredValue => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PackageDeclaredValueType
Type => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::DeclaredValueType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
CurrencyCode => $some_value, # string
MonetaryValue => $some_value, # string
COD => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PSOCODType
CODFundsCode => $some_value, # string
CODAmount => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CurrencyMonetaryType
VerbalConfirmation => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::VerbalConfirmationType
ContactInfo => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ContactInfoType
Name => $some_value, # string
Phone => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::ShipPhoneType
Number => $some_value, # string
Extension => $some_value, # string
ShipperReleaseIndicator => $some_value, # string
Notification => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::PSONotificationType
NotificationCode => $some_value, # string
EMail => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::EmailDetailsType
EMailAddress => $some_value, # string
UndeliverableEMailAddress => $some_value, # string
FromEMailAddress => $some_value, # string
FromName => $some_value, # string
Memo => $some_value, # string
Subject => $some_value, # string
SubjectCode => $some_value, # string
ReturnsFlexibleAccessIndicator => $some_value, # string
Commodity => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::CommodityType
FreightClass => $some_value, # string
NMFC => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::NMFCType
PrimeCode => $some_value, # string
SubCode => $some_value, # string
LabelSpecification => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelSpecificationType
LabelImageFormat => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelImageFormatType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
HTTPUserAgent => $some_value, # string
LabelStockSize => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::ShipTypes::LabelStockSizeType
Height => $some_value, # string
Width => $some_value, # string
Generated by SOAP::WSDL
Andrew Baerg <>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Andrew Baerg.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.