Acme::CPANAuthors::BackPAN::OneHundred - The CPAN Authors who have 100+ distributions on BackPAN


This class provides a hash of CPAN authors' PAUSE ID and name to be used with the Acme::CPANAuthors module.

This module was created to capture all those CPAN Authors who have valiantly submitted their modules and distributions to CPAN, and now have the honour of having submitted 100 or more distributions to CPAN.

Note that the CPAN authors listed here may not be maintaining 100 or more distributions on CPAN, but have submitted 100 or more distributions to PAUSE, where some older distributions may have been deprecated or adopted by other authors. The numbers here represent the number of distributions a CPAN author has listed on BackPAN.



 1.  888  PERLANCAR     perlancar
 2.  510  SHARYANTO     Steven Haryanto
 3.  479  PSIXDISTS     Perl 6 Modules
 4.  313  TOBYINK       Toby Inkster
 5.  309  RJBS          Ricardo SIGNES
 6.  293  ZOFFIX        Zoffix Znet
 7.  287  ADAMK         Adam Kennedy
 8.  251  TOKUHIROM     ???
 9.  240  MIYAGAWA      Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
10.  222  ETHER         Karen Etheridge
11.  218  INGY          Ingy dot Net
12.  217  BINGOS        Chris Williams
13.  210  FLORA         Florian Ragwitz
14.  202  JGNI          John Imrie
15.  195  DAGOLDEN      David Golden
16.  192  SMUELLER      Steffen Mueller
17.  182  MARCEL        ???
18.  174  KENTNL        Kent Fredric
19.  172  BOBTFISH      Tomas Doran
20.  161  NUFFIN        Yuval Kogman
21.  156  DROLSKY       Dave Rolsky
22.  149  PEVANS        Paul Evans
23.  138  GUGOD         Liu Kang Min
24.  138  RSAVAGE       Ron Savage
25.  137  DMAKI         Daisuke Maki
26.  137  NEILB         Neil Bowers
27.  137  SKIM          Michal Spacek
28.  134  BARBIE        Barbie
29.  133  BDFOY         brian d foy
30.  126  PLICEASE      Graham Ollis
31.  125  AUTRIJUS      Audrey Tang
32.  125  SHLOMIF       Shlomi Fish
33.  122  FAYLAND       Fayland Lin
34.  122  SZABGAB       Gabor Szabo
35.  121  SIMON         Simon Cozens
36.  120  MANWAR        Mohammad S Anwar
37.  111  LBROCARD      Leon Brocard
38.  111  MLEHMANN      ???
39.  111  MRAMBERG      Marcus Ramberg
40.  111  SALVA         Salvador Fandino Garcia
41.  109  DMUEY         Daniel Muey
42.  105  GETTY         Torsten Raudssus
43.  101  LEOCHARRE     Leo Charre

List last updated: 2016-04-22T05:57:08


If you are aware of any CPAN author that has attained the heady heights of 100 distributions on CPAN, and who is not listed here, please send me their ID/name via email or RT, and I will update the module. If there are any mistakes, please contact me as soon as possible, and I'll amend the entry right away.


Acme::CPANAuthors - Main class to manipulate this one

Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::OneHundred - 100+ distributions on CPAN.


Bugs, patches and feature requests can be reported at:

There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a bug or are experiencing difficulties that are not explained within the POD documentation, please send an email to or submit a bug to the RT queue. However, it would help greatly if you are able to pinpoint problems or even supply a patch.

Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me.


Thanks to Kenichi Ishigaki for writing Acme::CPANAuthors.


Barbie, <>
for Miss Barbell Productions <>.


Copyright 2014-2016 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions.

This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.