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use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '3.43';
=head1 NAME
Labyrinth::Plugin::CPAN::Report - Plugin to handle Report pages.
# Libraries
use CPAN::Testers::Common::Utils qw(nntp_to_guid guid_to_nntp);
# Public Interface Functions
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Public Interface Methods
=over 4
=item View
View a specific report.
=item AuthorRSS
Return the RSS feed for a given author.
=item DistroRSS
Return the RSS feed for a given distribution.
=item load_rss
Reads the appropriate JSON file and returns an RSS feed.
=item make_rss
Creates an RSS feed from a given data set.
=item AuthorYAML
Return the YAML feed for a given author.
=item DistroYAML
Return the YAML feed for a given distribution.
=item load_yaml
Reads the appropriate JSON file and returns an YAML feed.
sub View {
if($cgiparams{id} =~ /^\d+$/) {
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetStatReport',$cgiparams{id});
if(@rows) {
if($rows[0]->{guid} =~ /^[0-9]+\-[-\w]+$/) {
my $id = guid_to_nntp($rows[0]->{guid});
} else {
$cgiparams{id} = $rows[0]->{guid};
} else {
#$tvars{errcode} = 'NEXT';
#$tvars{command} = 'cpan-distunk';
} else {
my $id = guid_to_nntp($cgiparams{id});
if($id) {
} else {
unless($tvars{article}{article}) {
if($cgiparams{id} =~ /^\d+$/) {
$tvars{article}{id} = $cgiparams{id};
} else {
$tvars{article}{guid} = $cgiparams{id};
if($cgiparams{raw}) {
$tvars{article}{raw} = $cgiparams{raw};
$tvars{realm} = 'popup';
} else {
$tvars{realm} = 'wide';
sub AuthorRSS { load_rss('author'); }
sub DistroRSS { load_rss('distro'); }
sub load_rss {
my $type = shift;
my $nopass = 0;
if($cgiparams{name} =~ /(.*)\-nopass/) {
$cgiparams{name} = $1;
$nopass = 1;
my $cache = sprintf "%s/static/%s/%s/%s", $settings{webdir}, $type, substr($cgiparams{name},0,1), $cgiparams{name};
# load JSON data if available
if(-f "$cache.json") {
my $json = read_file("$cache.json");
my $data = decode_json($json);
my @reports;
for my $row (sort {$b->{fulldate} <=> $a->{fulldate}} @$data) {
next if($nopass && $row->{state} =~ /PASS/i);
push @reports, $row;
$type = 'nopass' if($nopass);
$tvars{body} = make_rss( $type, $cgiparams{name}, \@reports );
# fall back to any existing RSS
} else {
my $file = $nopass ? "$cache-nopass.rss" : "$cache.rss";
$tvars{body} = read_file("$cache.rss") if(-f $file);
$tvars{realm} = 'rss';
sub make_rss {
my ( $type, $item, $data ) = @_;
my ( $title, $link, $desc );
if($type eq 'distro') {
$title = "$item CPAN Testers Reports";
$link = "".substr($item,0,1)."/$item.html";
$desc = "Automated test results for the $item distribution";
} elsif($type eq 'recent') {
$title = "Recent CPAN Testers Reports";
$desc = "Recent CPAN Testers reports";
} elsif($type eq 'author') {
$title = "Reports for distributions by $item";
$link = "".substr($item,0,1)."/$item.html";
$desc = "Reports for distributions by $item";
} elsif($type eq 'nopass') {
$title = "Failing Reports for distributions by $item";
$link = "".substr($item,0,1)."/$item.html";
$desc = "Reports for distributions by $item";
#use Data::Dumper;
#LogDebug("first report = ".Dumper($data->[0]));
my @date = $data->[0]->{fulldate} =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
my $date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d+01:00", @date;
my $rss = XML::RSS->new( version => '2.0' );
title => $settings{rsstitle},
link => $settings{rsslink},
description => $settings{rssdesc},
language => 'en',
copyrights => $settings{copyright},
pubDate => formatDate(16),
managingEditor => $settings{rsseditor},
webMaster => $settings{rssmaster},
generator => 'Labyrinth v' . $tvars{'labversion'},
for my $test (@$data) {
my @date = $test->{fulldate} =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
my $date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d+01:00", @date;
my $title = sprintf "%s %s-%s %s on %s %s (%s)", map {$_||''} @{$test}{ qw( status dist version perl osname osvers platform ) };
#LogDebug("link="."$settings{reportlink2}/" . ($test->{guid} || $test->{id}));
#LogDebug("guid="."$settings{reportlink2}/" . ($test->{guid} || $test->{id}));
title => $title,
description => $title,
link => "$settings{reportlink2}/" . ($test->{guid} || $test->{id}),
guid => "$settings{reportlink2}/" . ($test->{guid} || $test->{id}),
pubDate => $date,
#LogDebug("rss = ".$rss->as_string);
return $rss->as_string;
sub AuthorYAML { load_yaml('author'); }
sub DistroYAML { load_yaml('distro'); }
sub load_yaml {
my $type = shift;
my $cache = sprintf "%s/static/%s/%s/%s", $settings{webdir}, $type, substr($cgiparams{name},0,1), $cgiparams{name};
# load JSON data if available
if(-f "$cache.json") {
my $json = read_file("$cache.json");
my $data = decode_json($json);
my @reports;
for my $row (@$data) {
push @reports, $row;
$tvars{body} = Dump( \@reports );
# fall back to any existing RSS
} elsif(-f "$cache.yaml") {
$tvars{body} = read_file("$cache.yaml");
$tvars{realm} = 'yaml';
# Private Interface Functions
sub _parse_nntp_report {
my $nntpid = shift;
my @rows;
unless($nntpid) {
@rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetStatReport',$cgiparams{id});
return unless(@rows);
$nntpid = guid_to_nntp($rows[0]->{guid});
@rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetArticle',$nntpid);
return unless(@rows);
$rows[0]->{article} = SafeHTML($rows[0]->{article});
$tvars{article} = $rows[0];
($tvars{article}{head},$tvars{article}{body}) = split(/\n\n/,$rows[0]->{article},2);
my $object = CPAN::Testers::Common::Article->new($rows[0]->{article});
return unless($object);
$tvars{article}{nntp} = 1;
$tvars{article}{id} = $cgiparams{id};
$tvars{article}{body} = $object->body;
$tvars{article}{subject} = $object->subject;
$tvars{article}{from} = $object->from;
$tvars{article}{from} =~ s/\@.*//;
$tvars{article}{post} = $object->postdate;
my @date = $object->date =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
$tvars{article}{date} = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00Z", @date;
return if($tvars{article}{subject} =~ /Re:/i);
return unless($tvars{article}{subject} =~ /(CPAN|FAIL|PASS|NA|UNKNOWN)\s+/i);
my $state = lc $1;
if($state eq 'cpan') {
if($object->parse_upload()) {
$tvars{article}{dist} = $object->distribution;
$tvars{article}{version} = $object->version;
$tvars{article}{author} = $object->author;
$tvars{article}{letter} = substr($tvars{article}{dist},0,1);
} else {
if($object->parse_report()) {
$tvars{article}{dist} = $object->distribution;
$tvars{article}{version} = $object->version;
$tvars{article}{author} = $object->from;
$tvars{article}{letter} = substr($tvars{article}{dist},0,1);
sub _parse_guid_report {
my $cpan = Labyrinth::Plugin::CPAN->new();
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetMetabaseByGUID',$cgiparams{id});
return unless(@rows);
my $data = decode_json($rows[0]->{report});
my $fact = CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport->from_struct( $data->{'CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport'} );
$tvars{article}{article} = SafeHTML($fact->{content}{textreport});
#$tvars{article}{id} = $rows[0]->{id};
$tvars{article}{guid} = $rows[0]->{guid};
my $report = CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary->from_struct( $data->{'CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary'} );
my ($osname) = $cpan->OSName($report->{content}{osname});
$tvars{article}{state} = lc $report->{content}{grade};
$tvars{article}{platform} = $report->{content}{archname};
$tvars{article}{osname} = $osname;
$tvars{article}{osvers} = $report->{content}{osversion};
$tvars{article}{perl} = $report->{content}{perl_version};
$tvars{article}{created} = $report->{metadata}{core}{creation_time};
my $dist = Metabase::Resource->new( $report->{metadata}{core}{resource} );
$tvars{article}{dist} = $dist->metadata->{dist_name};
$tvars{article}{version} = $dist->metadata->{dist_version};
($tvars{article}{author},$tvars{article}{from}) = _get_tester( $report->creator );
$tvars{article}{author} =~ s/\@/ [at] /g;
$tvars{article}{from} =~ s/\@/ [at] /g;
$tvars{article}{from} =~ s/\./ [dot] /g;
if($tvars{article}{created}) {
my @created = $tvars{article}{created} =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)T(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)Z/; # 2010-02-23T20:33:52Z
$tvars{article}{postdate} = sprintf "%04d%02d", $created[0], $created[1];
$tvars{article}{fulldate} = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $created[0], $created[1], $created[2], $created[3], $created[4];
} else {
my @created = localtime(time);
$tvars{article}{postdate} = sprintf "%04d%02d", $created[5]+1900, $created[4]+1;
$tvars{article}{fulldate} = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $created[5]+1900, $created[4]+1, $created[3], $created[2], $created[1];
$tvars{article}{letter} = substr($tvars{article}{dist},0,1);
$tvars{article}{subject} = sprintf "%s %s-%s %s %s",
uc $tvars{article}{state}, $tvars{article}{dist}, $tvars{article}{version}, $tvars{article}{perl}, $tvars{article}{osname};
sub _get_tester {
my $creator = shift;
#$dbi->{'mysql_enable_utf8'} = 1;
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetTesterFact',$creator);
return ($creator,$creator) unless(@rows);
#$rows[0]->{fullname} = encode_entities($rows[0]->{fullname});
$rows[0]->{email} ||= $creator;
$rows[0]->{email} =~ s/\'/''/g if($rows[0]->{email});
return ($rows[0]->{fullname},$rows[0]->{email});
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Barbie, <> for
Miss Barbell Productions, L<>
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions
All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.