CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics::Pages - CPAN Testers Statistics pages.


my %hash = { config => 'options' };
my $obj = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics->new(%hash);
my $ct = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics::Pages->new(parent => $obj);

$ct->update_full();       # updates statistics data and web pages

# alternatively called individual processes

$ct->update_data();       # updates statistics data
$ct->build_basics();      # updates basic web pages
$ct->build_matrices();    # updates matrix style web pages
$ct->build_stats();       # updates stats style web pages


Using the cpanstats database, this module extracts all the data and generates all the HTML pages needed for the CPAN Testers Statistics website. In addition, also generates the data files in order generate the graphs that appear on the site.

Note that this package should not be called directly, but via its parent as:

my %hash = { config => 'options' };
my $obj = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics->new(%hash);

$obj->make_pages();       # updates statistics data and web pages

# alternatively called individual processes

$obj->update();           # updates statistics data
$obj->make_basics();      # updates basic web pages
$obj->make_matrix();      # updates matrix style web pages
$obj->make_stats();       # updates stats style web pages


The Constructor

  • new

    Page creation object. Allows the user to turn or off the progress tracking.

    new() takes an option hash as an argument, which may contain 'progress => 1' to turn on the progress tracker and/or 'database => $db' to indicate the path to the database. If no database path is supplied, './cpanstats.db' is used.

Public Methods

  • setdates

    Prime all key date variable.

  • update_full

    Full update of data and pages.

  • update_data

    Update data and store in JSON format.

  • build_basics

    Create the basic set of pages,those require no statistical calculation.

  • build_matrices

    Create the matrices pages and distribution list pages.

  • build_stats

    Create all other statistical pages; monthly tables, interesting stats, etc.

  • build_leaders

    Create all OS Leaderboards.

Private Methods

Data Methods

  • build_data

  • storage_read

  • storage_write

Page Creation Methods

  • _write_basics

    Write out basic pages, all of which are simply built from the templates, without any data processing required.

  • _write_index

    Writes out the main index page, after all stats have been calculated.

  • _report_interesting

    Generates the interesting stats page

  • _report_cpan

    Generates the statistic pages that relate specifically to CPAN.

  • _writepage

    Creates a single HTML page.

  • _tester_name

    Returns either the known name of the tester for the given email address, or returns a doctored version of the address for displaying in HTML.


There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a bug or are experiencing difficulties, that is not explained within the POD documentation, please send bug reports and patches to the RT Queue (see below).

Fixes are dependant upon their severity and my availablity. Should a fix not be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me.

RT Queue -


CPAN::Testers::Data::Generator, CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports,,


Barbie, <>
for Miss Barbell Productions <>.


Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.