Changes for version 0.24

  • added bin/readstats (v0.16), bin/delstats (v0.09), bin/selectstats (v0.05) and bin/upstats (v0.03) from the non-CPAN cpanstats distribution.
  • updated all scripts to use an options hash rather than individual variables.
  • added new module to handle all local DB interaction.
  • fixed test bug in t/12generate.t (thanks to Slaven Rezic).


script to access the NNTP server and update the database.
script to delete entries from the cpanstats database.
script to read the cpanstats database and verify the contents.
script to select stats from the CPAN Testers Statistics database.
script to update entries in the cpanstats database.


Download and summarize CPAN Testers data
Parse a CPAN Testers article