Labyrinth::Plugin::Articles - Plugin Articles handler for Labyrinth
Contains all the default article handling functionality for the Labyrinth framework.
The Articles package is meant to be used as a base package providing default configuration and functionality for article based content. It is expected that that a plugin will use this package as a base, and override configuration and methods as required.
Section IDs
It is recommended that the following be used to differentiate the types of sections, for which articles are used to provide the underlying structure. If you wish to add your own plugins, it is recommended that you use a Section ID that is greater than 99 to avoid clashing with any potential standard plugins.
1 = page article, traditional articles
2 = section entries, for sites that require intro text for each section
(see Articles::Section)
3 = site content, such as 'About' or 'Home' fixed layout content
(see Articles::Site)
4 = products (see Articles::Products)
5 = profiles (see Articles::Profiles)
6 = diary (see Articles::Diary)
7 = lyrics (see Articles::Lyrics)
8 = liner notes (see Release)
Note that some plugins mentioned above may not be currently available, however all are planned for release.
SQL Phrases
Several keys used to access SQL phrases can be overriden. These default keys are used in the event that only basic configuration overrides are needed, such as the Section ID.
Key variables available are:
our $INDEXKEY = 'articleid';
our $ALLSQL = 'AllArticles';
our $SAVESQL = 'SaveArticle';
our $ADDSQL = 'AddArticle';
our $GETSQL = 'GetArticleByID';
our $DELETESQL = 'DeleteRecords';
our $PROMOTESQL = 'PromoteArticle';
our $LEVEL = EDITOR; # for normal admin actions
our $LEVEL2 = PUBLISHER; # for delete actions
- LatestArticles
Retrieves a list of the latest article titles
- Archive
Retrieves a list of the volumes available.
- Page
Retrieves an set of articles, for a given page. Default to first page.
- List
Retrieves an initial list of articles. Primarily used to prepare a front page.
- Meta
Retrieves a list of articles based on given meta tags.
- Search
Retrieves a list of articles based on a given search string.
- Cloud
Provides the current tag cloud.
- Tags
Retrieves the current list of meta tags
- Item
Provides a single article.
- Admin
Lists the current set of articles for the given section.
Also provides the delete, copy and promote functionality from the main administration page for the given section.
- Add
Add an article to the current section.
- Edit
Edit an article within the current section.
- AddParagraph
Add a text block to the current article.
- AddImage
Add an image block to the current article.
- AddLink
Add a link block to the current article.
- AddVideo
Add a embedded video block to the current article.
- DeleteItem
Delete an article.
- Relocate
Relocate an article in a list, where an order is in use.
- LoadContent
Load complete article from form fields, save all image and media files.
- EditAmendments
Additional drop downs and fields prepared for edit form.
- Save
Save an article within the current section.
- Promote
Promote the given article within the current section.
- Copy
Copy an article, to create a new article, within the current section.
- Delete
Delete a given article within the current section.
Barbie, <> for Miss Barbell Productions,
Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions
All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.