Changes for WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Yahoo_Driver
0.23 2015-03-12
updated patterns for alternative HTML pages on Win32.
amended tests to allow for when results are returned.
0.22 2014-12-14
fixed license fields in META.json to be lists.
ping fix for Cygwin (thanks to Alexandr Ciornii).
revised regexes due to site changes.
0.21 2014-08-13
added git repository links to metadata.
fixed distribution name in metadata.
upgrade to WWW-Scraper-ISBN-1.00.
conversion routines now moved to WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver.
extended test suite.
site changed, and even more temperamental than before. Considering
dumping the driver, as the data returned is minimal, and better
presented by other sites.
reworked test failure checks.
0.20 2013-03-17
added to examples.
change file dates changed to meet W3CDTF standards.
META updates.
more error reporting in tests.
reworked regexs due to site changes.
added description field.
pages, weight, width and height fields no longer provided.
0.19 2012-05-27
spelling fixes. (thanks to Florian Schlichting & Gregor Herrmann).
META tests no longer require specific versions.
added minimum perl version (5.006).
reworked Makefile.PL for clarity.
0.18 2011-03-01
upgraded to Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON for tests.
0.17 2010-10-29
added further skip test if test books are withdrawn from the site.
fixed skip test count.
0.16 2010-10-07
amended pingtest() in network tests.
0.15 2010-10-06
fixed skip count.
provided alternate ping test methods.
0.14 2010-09-15
reworked test structure, so easier to add sample sets.
0.13 2010-08-10
added better protection from network failures.
updated prerequisite requirements.
0.12 2010-08-02
added connection protection if client or server offline.
documentation updates.
0.11 2010-07-30
updates to parser for Yahoo Book site.
added fields (if known) for binding, pages, weight, width & height.
added ean13, which is the industry name for isbn-13.
more tests.
removal of Template::Extract in favour of plain regexes.
various package file changes (inc adding META.json).
0.10 2009-08-17
bugfix to number of tests in skip.
0.09 2009-08-15
minor fixes to parsing of Yahoo Books website.
added ping tests, to avoid failing when no network connection.
real failures produce diagnostics not skips now.
added more package tests.
0.08 2008-11-17
updated pattern recognition due to page layout changing
0.07 2008-06-27
added checks to only run extra tests under AUTOMATED_TESTING
switched metatest to use Test-CPAN-Meta
upped META.ym spec version and link
added isbn10 key into book data
fixed missing isbn13 from tests
amended tests to search for ISBN10 and ISBN13 values
0.06 2007-07-26
Updated README.
Corrected Copyright dates in LICENSE file.
Updated POD.
Added better error reporting.
added isbn13 support
updated pattern recognition due to page layout changing
0.05 2007-03-01
Handwritten META.yml to conform to current specs.
Changed all instances of LICENCE to LICENSE.
Added META.yml test script.
Added LICENSE and Artistic files.
Added an examples directory. Nothing in it yet, except a request
for interesting scripts.
POD updates
Updated the pattern matching code now that Yahoo have changed their
page layouts
Devel::Cover = 91.9%
0.04 2001-01-07
handler() moved to WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver
test suite updated to peform skips if can't access web pages
0.03 2004-08-31
Simplified error handling
0.02 2004-04-19
Test::More added as a prerequisites for PPMs
0.01 2004-04-10
original version