20140806.0226_001 Wed Aug 6 02:26:36 PDT 2014
Bug Fixes
Correct parse error when invocant is preceded by a space
Fix bug where undef which should trigger default fails typecheck
[github #102]
Distribution Fixes
Remove dependency on experimental (breaks 5.8 compat)
[github #97]
Refactor signature parsing into its own class
[github #96]
20140224 Mon Feb 24 14:25:43 PST 2014
Promoted to full release
20140220.0106_001 Thu Feb 20 01:14:54 PST 2014
Distribution Fixes
Remove dependency on Devel::Pragma
[github #91]
, and fixes [github #41]
Document which features require Data::Alias and Const::Fast
[github #90]
20131010 Thu Oct 10 00:57:41 PDT 2013
Promoted to full release
20131007.0002_002 Mon Oct 7 00:02:30 PDT 2013
Distribution Fixes
Fixed failing test in 5.10.0
(uncovered by CPAN Testers)
20131004.0159_001 Fri Oct 4 01:59:55 PDT 2013
Bug Fixes
Removed experimental smartmatch warnings
Don't require Data::Alias for named params unless you have to
[github #71]
Updated close parend problem to include quotes and a workaround
[rt.cpan.org 85925]
Fixed some typos (thanks dsteinbrunner)
[github #88]
Distribution Fixes
Fixed repo link in metadata (thanks dsteinbrunner)
[github #87]
20130505 May 5 21:17:45 PDT 2013
Promoted to full release
20130427.0031_001 Sat Apr 27 00:31:04 PDT 2013
Distribution Fixes
Add M::S::Parameter to MANIFEST
[github #76]
Change representation of Infinity to work on Win32
[github #75]
Bug Fixes
Fixed obscure bug where an eval in Method::Signatures wouldn't be
skipped when carp'ing (i.e. in carp_location_for())
[github #72]
Rearranged so signature is now an object
[github #30]
Add hook for Travis CI
[github #78]
Found and fixed missing parend
20130222 Feb 22 21:10:10 PST 2013
Promoted to full release
20130218.1447_001 Mon Feb 18 14:47:28 PST 2013
Distribution Fixes
Fixed stray detritus in MANIFEST.
Somehow my last-minute fix to the new error handler test didn't
make it in; this will fix "Can't locate Moose.pm" errors.
20130216.1729_001 Sat Feb 16 17:29:45 PST 2013
New Features
Handling of run-time errors (default: die) is now overridable by
subclasses via signature_error_handler().
[github #54]
Bug Fixes
Data::Alias is only loaded when needed avoiding a threads + eval bug
in most cases and improving compile time performance.
[rt.cpan.org 82922, github #62]
20121219.0033_001 Wed Dec 19 00:33:58 PST 2012
New Features
Can now have aliased named parameters.
[github #57]
Bug Fixes
Compile-time errors now reporting proper line numbers.
[github #61]
Minor clarifications here and there.
Clarified what doesn't work in Perl 5.8.
Added Function::Parameters to See Also section.
Updated copyright.
20121201 Sat Dec 1 01:59:44 PST 2012
Promoted to full release
20121128.2139_001 Wed Nov 28 21:39:16 PST 2012
Bug Fixes
Trailing commas on parameter lists are now ok.
[rt.cpan.org 81364]
Failure to parse parameters will now produce a more useful error.
Distribution Fixes
Fixed test failing on 5.10.0 as per github #59.
Fixed subtests failing on Test::More's prior to 0.96.
20121108.0047_001 Thu Nov 8 00:47:15 PST 2012
New Features
remove dependency on Devel::BeginLift
[github #39]
Bug Fixes
Default condition of `when {}' now interpreted as
`when { $_ ~~ {} }' (avoids parse error).
[github #60]
20121025.2315_001 Thu Oct 25 23:15:20 PDT 2012
New Features
can now use `when' to specify default conditions
[github #48]
can use `//=' as a shortcut for `when undef'
[github #45]
can now provide `where' constraints in addition to
(or instead of) a type
[github #7]
can now use `...' to disable further argument checking
[github #49]
can now specify more than one alternative in type unions
[github #55]
can now nest parameterized types
Incompatible Changes
can no longer use both `\' and `:'
(didn't work anyway)
better signature parsing using PPI
[github #11]
documented all new features
new ASCI-art breakdown of signature syntax
minor tweaks and corrections
20120523 May 23 16:36:04 PDT 2012
Distribution Fixes
Fixed META.json
20120517 Thu May 17 20:14:34 PDT 2012
Promoted to full release
20120514.0117_001 Mon May 14 01:17:38 PDT 2012
Distribution Fixes
Added version number to Method::Signatures::Modifiers.
20111125 Fri Nov 25 01:15:50 PST 2011
Type checks significantly faster. 40% faster with Mouse.
20% faster with Moose. [github #42]
Distribution Fixes
Added Test::Exception as a build requirement [github #43]
Added Moose as a recommended module (with version number)
20111020 Thu Oct 20 17:00:29 PDT 2011
Promoted to full release
20111017.2055_002 Mon Oct 17 20:55:09 PDT 2011
Bug Fix
Move inject_if_block code back to MSM [github #40]
20110927.2305_001 Tue Sep 27 23:05:02 PDT 2011
Bug Fix
Remove spurious error for modifiers in roles [github #36]
20110923.1726 Fri Sep 23 17:27:47 PDT 2011
Distribution Fixes
20110923 had a bad signature file because gpg is broken on my laptop.
Releasing without a signature. 1 aM n0t A hax0r!!!1!1!
20110923 Fri Sep 23 16:13:46 PDT 2011 [It Takes All Types]
Incompatible Changes
Slurpy parameters (@foo and %bar) now must come at the end.
Slurpy parameters cannot be named, they must be positional.
Slurpy parameters are now optional by default. [github #21]
The empty signature takes no arguments. [github #26]
No signature implies the empty signature and takes no arguments.
[github #26]
New Features
Now checking if there are too many arguments. [github #23]
Run-time errors are now class methods, so subclasses can override them.
Method::Signatures::Modifiers allows you to use Method::Signatures
with MooseX::Declare and apply method modifiers like before, after
and around. [Buddy Burden] [github #14]
compile_at_BEGIN option controls if "method" and "func" are compiled
like normal statements or early like "sub". [github #8]
Bug Fixes
Now depending on a version of Devel::Declare that works with
5.13 and up. [github #10]
Now depending on a known good version of Mouse. [github #17]
Improved error messages reporting from the right position in the
user's code. [Buddy Burden]
Comments in the signature fixed. [Buddy Burden] [github #13]
Passing in too many positional parameters now generates an error.
[github #23]
Fixed a case where we'd eat compilation errors. [github #16]
Optional parameters will no longer fail type checks if they're not
passed in. [github #12]
Depending on a new version of Devel::Declare that works with perl
5.13 and up. [github #10]
Fix some cases where a compile time error will show up as an error
inside PPI.
Many grammar fixes and prose improvements [Noirin Plunkett] [github #25]
Slurpy parameters are clearly documented
The rules if a parameter is required or optional are more clear
Clarify that func() has no invocant [github #32]
Mention METHOD_SIGNATURES_DEBUG environment variable for debugging.
[github #32]
Documented the "debug" option.
Documented issues with 5.8 and compile_at_BEGIN. [github #8] [github #22]
Test Fixes
Tests will no longer fail because 5.10.0 and down report
different errors on compilation failure. [github #18]
Tests will no longer fail on 5.8. [github #22]
20110324.1600_001 Thu, 24 Mar 2011 16:00:38 +1100
Bug Fix
Declare dependency on Any::Moose [github #9]
20110322.0027_001 Tue, 22 Mar 2011 00:27:00 +1100
New Features
Added support for Perl 6 style type syntax backed by Any::Moose
(barefootcoder) [github #3]
Test Fixes
t/syntax_errors.t would fail on some versions of Perl because
we wouldn't get the expected error message out of eval.
[github #4]
20110216.1153_001 Wed, 16 Feb 2011 11:35:05 +1100
New Features
Data::Alias is no longer optional. It's been fixed and is now
maintained. Aliasing will now always work.
Use Const::Fast to implement read only arguments. This avoids the
optional Readonly::XS to make it fast.
20100730 Fri Jul 30 12:54:20 PDT 2010
New Features
Added func() to handle functions.
Incompatible Changes
Data::Alias is now optional. This is because it does not work in 5.12
and there's no fix in sight. If you want to use aliasing in your
distribution it will have to depend on Data::Alias itself.
Updated the SEE ALSO
Removed the assertion that no checks are done on the signature
20090620 Sat Jun 20 01:26:59 PDT 2009
Load PPI on demand to reduce load time (needed by perl5i)
Separated signature translation between methods and subroutines
(needed by perl5i)
20081028 Tue Oct 28 00:45:48 PDT 2008
New Features
Two or more slurpy parameters (ie. @foo or %bar) in a signature is
an error.
Bug Fixes
The debugger now works, thanks to an upgrade in Devel::Declare.
methods are now declared at compile time, like regular subs.
Added some simple example files.
20081021.1911 Tue Oct 21 19:11:47 PDT 2008
Test Fixes
Used a new feature of Test::Builder, upgrade dependency.
20081021 Tue Oct 21 01:43:24 PDT 2008
New Features
Checks for unspecified arguments
Almost anything can be used as a default.
Bug Fixes
A default value with a comma in it is properly parsed.
Default values can now be any literal, even wacky things like q,Hi!,
The closing paren of a signature can now be on its own line.
The closing paren and the opening block can be on the same line.
New Docs
Documented differences from Perl 6
20081008 Wed Oct 8 09:48:33 EDT 2008
New Features
Named parameters have some basic compile-time error checks for illegal signatures.
New Docs
Document restritions on named parameters.
20081007 Tue Oct 7 23:27:19 EDT 2008
New Features
Added named parameters.
Some documentation on what is not allowed, even if we don't
yet check for it.
More thanks!
Add an example and comparision with regular Perl
Add some debugging tips
20081006 Mon Oct 6 02:24:36 EDT 2008
New Features
Implemented "is alias", "is ro", "is rw" and "is copy".
Multiple traits supported "is copy is rw"
Implemented ! and ? (required and optional arguments)
Bug Fixes
Stole some code from MooseX::Method::Signatures to make attributes
parse better. (thanks to Florian Ragwitz)
Repository moved to github.
Changing to ISO date versions.
0.11 Sat Sep 27 16:47:51 EDT 2008
New Features
Added the "$arg!" required syntax (currently does nothing)
Attributes now work (thanks to mst)
New Docs
Documented how to set a trait and a default
Document that earlier params may be used in defaults.
Document that @_ is left intact
Clarify aliased ref behavior
Document anonymous methods
Bug Fixes
Protect against complicated default expressions
0.10 Sun Sep 21 20:04:41 PDT 2008
New Features
Added "$class:" change the invocant a la Perl 6.
Added "$arg = EXPR" to set defaults.
Added "$arg?" optional param syntax (currently does nothing)
Added "$arg is foo" param traits (currently does nothing)
Expose a way to play with the prototype handler.
Doc Fixes
Change "prototype" to "signature" to avoid confusion with Perl's
built in prototypes.
0.05 Sun Sep 21 15:17:16 PDT 2008
Bug Fixes
methods now get the right name in caller(), not "Class::__ANON__".
The \@foo prototype no longer has a performance hit
Closures now work with \@foo
(All the above thanks to Matthijs van Duin and his Sub::Name and
Test Fixes
Not rigorously checking the bitmask and hints flags from caller() as
their behavior is undefined. This fixes the 5.10 test failures.
0.04 Sun Sep 21 13:52:29 PDT 2008
New Features
A \@foo protototype allows you to use a reference as a regular var
New Docs
Documented the @_ prototype
0.03 Sun Sep 21 00:57:32 PDT 2008
New Features
Eliminate the need of the trailing semicolon
New Bugs
The debugger and one-liners are broken
New Docs
Better prototype docs
0.02 Wed Dec 26 02:07:26 PST 2007
Doc Fix
Forgot the "use Method::Signatures" in the SYNOPSIS
0.01 Wed Dec 26 01:55:33 PST 2007
It works!