Device::Blkid - Interface to libblkid
Version 0.9
WARNING: This module requires libblkid 2.16 or newer, i.e. a version that ships with util-linux-ng (in contrast to older library versions, which were part of e2fsprogs).
closely resembles the native interface of libblkid. All functions provided by libblkid are available from Perl as well. Most functions work exactly the same way, although a few have been slightly modified to behave a little more "Perlish".
The most common way of using libblkid will be requesting a device (name) referring to a device with a given attribute (e.g., "return device name for LABEL=foo"), or you want all tags of a certain device.
In most cases, it is sensible to use the blkid cache; "undef" will work in most cases.
use Device::Blkid qw(:funcs);
my $cache = blkid_get_cache();
# Request (first) device with given attribute
my $devname = blkid_get_devname($cache, 'LABEL', 'foo');
print("Device $devname has label foo\n");
# Request attributes of given device
my $label = blkid_get_tag_value($cache, 'LABEL', '/dev/sda1');
# Request all attributes of a given device
use Data::Dumper;
my $device = blkid_get_dev($cache, '/dev/sda1', 0);
print("Dump of device attributes: " . Dumper($device));
Most devices contain a label, a UUID, and a type.
Please note that functions in section "probe.c" are currently untested and undocumented.
No functions or variables are exported per default. All functions and constants listed below can be imported explicitly, though.
An export tag :funcs
exports all functionsprovided by this module; :consts
exports all known constants.
This module provides a number of constants that are also contained in the blkid.h header:
You may either access these constants in a fully qualified way (e.g.,
), by importing single constants, or by importing the:consts
token. See "EXPORT" section.
The original libblkid functions are not split into categories; they are, however, listed per source file. This sequence is resembled here.
Function blkid_put_cache($cache)
Writes the cache object referenced by $cache
back to disk. $cache
is invalidated by this call and MUST NOT be used afterwards.
Returns a true value on success, undef on failure.
Function blkid_get_cache($filename)
Reads the cache from given file, or from the default cache file if $filename is not defined.
Returns a Device::Blkid::Cache
object (which is only usable as argument to other functions) on success, undef on failure.
Function blkid_gc_cache($cache)
Runs a garbage collection on given cache object.
Returns a true value on success, undef on failure (cache invalid).
The following functions provide iterations over multiple devices: either all, or a subset filtered by a search. Get an iterator with "blkid_dev_iterate_begin", optionally set a search filter with "blkid_dev_set_search", fetch the next object with "blkid_dev_next", and finally destroy the iterator with "blkid_dev_iterate_end".
While you are encouraged to call "blkid_dev_iterate_end", the class Device::Blkid::DevIterate
will automaticall destroy the associated iterator when it is removed from memory (i.e., when it is no longer referenced).
Function blkid_dev_devname($dev)
Returns the device name associated with a Device::Blkid::Device
object, or undef uppon failure.
Function blkid_dev_iterate_begin($cache)
Returns an iterator of type Device::Blkid::DevIterate
to iterate over multiple devices (or undef uppon failure).
A cache object is mandatory for this function.
Function blkid_dev_set_search($iter, $search_type, $search_value)
Restricts objects returned by iterators to given search; e.g., filter for ext3 file systems with this:
blkid_dev_set_search($iter, 'TYPE', 'ext3');
Function blkid_dev_next($iterate)
Returns the next device (as a Device::Blkid::Device
object) in this iteration, or undef, when the end of the list is reached (or another problem was encountered).
Function blkid_dev_iterate_end($iterate)
Returns the $iterate object. Does not need to be called (auto-destroyed by perl).
Function blkid_devno_to_devname(major, minor|devno)
Returns a device name for any given device number. If passed two arguments, the device number (devno) will be major << 8 + minor
printf("Device 8, 1 is %s, device 2049 is %s as well\n",
Undef is returned for non-existing devices:
if (!blkid_devno_to_devname(0, 1)) {
print("No Device 0, 1 found\n");
Function blkid_probe_all($cache)
Probes all devices in cache. Returns a true value on success, false on failure.
Function blkid_probe_all_new($cache)
Probes new devices to cache. Returns a true value on success, false on failure.
Function blkid_get_dev($cache, $devname, $flags)
Returns a Device::Blkid::Device
object referring the given device name (or undef uppon failure).
Flag BLKID_DEV_CREATE may be given in the flags argument to generate a new cache entry.
Function blkid_get_dev_size($fd)
Returns the size of the given device. Please note that the device is passed by a file descriptor (not a Perl file handle!). See POSIX::open for more information.
Function blkid_verify($cache, $dev)
Verify that the data in $dev
is consistent with what is on the actual block device (using the devname field only). Normally this will be called when finding items in the cache, but for long running processes is also desirable to revalidate an item before use.
is expected to be a Device::Blkid::Device
object (as returned e.g. by blkid_get_dev), not a device name.
does not contain any user-accessible functions.
Function blkid_get_tag_value($cache, $tagname, $devname)
Returns the requested tag for a device (or false uppon failure), e.g.:
printf("Type of my sda1 is %s\n",
blkid_get_tag_value($cache, 'TYPE', '/dev/sda1'));
Function blkid_get_devname($cache, $token, $value)
Return the first device with the given tag/value pair, e.g.
printf("Device with label foo is %s\n",
blkid_get_devname($cache, 'LABEL', 'foo'));
printf("Identical request with token as name=value: %s\n",
blkid_get_devname($cache, 'LABEL=foo'));
The three following functions blkid_tag_iterate_begin($dev)
, blkid_tag_next($iterate)
, and blkid_tag_iterate_end
iterate over the attributes of a requested device (Device::Blkid::Device
, not device name).
Object method Device::Blkid::Device::toHash() provides a much simpler way to access all attributes.
Function blkid_tag_iterate_begin($dev)
Fetches an iterator object for the given device.
Function blkid_tag_next($iterate)
Returns the next attribute set for the device as a hash of this structure:
$VAR1 = {
type => 'LABEL',
value => 'myLabel',
Returns undef, when there are no more entries (or uppon other failures).
Function blkid_tag_iterate_end($iterate)
Frees data associated with this object. Auto-destruction is implemented, when the iterator object is freed, i.e. you do not have to call this function manually.
Function blkid_dev_has_tag($dev, $type, $value)
Checks whether the given device has the attribute $type=$value set; returns true in that case, false otherwise.
if (blkid_dev_has_tag($dev, 'LABEL', 'foo')) {
print("Yes, your device is labeled foo\n");
Function blkid_find_dev_with_tag($cache, $type, $value)
Finds (and returns) the first device with the given type/value pair, and returns it as an object of type Device::Blkid::Device
Function blkid_parse_tag_string($token)
For a given string "foo=bar", returns a hash { type =
'foo', value => 'bar'}>.
Returns undef if the string is not parsable.
Function blkid_parse_version_string($ver_string)
Returns an integer representation of a version string. Internal format in libblkid.
Function blkid_get_library_version($ver_string, $date_string)
Returns a hash containing basic information about the installed version of libblkid:
$VAR1 = {
int => 2160,
ver => '2.16.0',
date => '10-Feb-2009',
Function blkid_encode_string($str)
Encode all potentially unsafe characters of a string to the corresponding hex value prefixed by '\x'.
Returns that string on success, or undef on failure. Other than the libblkid version, no partial strings are returned.
Function blkid_safe_string($str)
Allows plain ascii, hex-escaping and valid utf8. Replaces all whitespaces with '_'.
Returns that string on success, or undef on failure.
Function blkid_send_uevent($devname, $action)
Sends the given action as a uevent to the udev entry of the respective device.
Returns a true value on success, a false value on failure. Please note that "success" does not necessarily mean that the uevent was triggered successfully.
Function blkid_evaluate_tag($token, $value, $cache)
Returns the device name where the given token=value pair holds, or undef on failure.
argument may be ommited.
Most functions in this section have NOT been tested well and currently remain undocumented. Please see libblkid for further information.
Function blkid_known_fstype($fstype)
Checks whether fs type $fstype
is known by the installed version of libblkid. Returns true in that case, false otherwise.
Function blkid_new_probe()
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_free_probe($pr)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_reset_probe($pr)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_set_device($pr, $fd, $off, $size)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_set_request($pr, $flags)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_filter_usage($pr, $flag, $usage)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_filter_types($pr, $flag, $names, ...)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_invert_filter($pr)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_reset_filter($pr)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_do_probe($pr)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_do_safeprobe($pr)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_numof_values($pr)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Function blkid_probe_get_value($pr, $num)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Returns a string on success, undef on failure (this differs from the library behavior).
Function blkid_probe_lookup_value($pr, $name)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Returns a string on success, undef on failure (this differs from the library behavior).
Function blkid_probe_has_value($pr, $name)
Undocumented (and largely untested).
Package Device::Blkid::Device
Objects of this type are returned by a number of functions in the Device::Blkid
package. They cannot be user-created and are (almost) only expected to be passed to other functions of Device::Blkid
A single object method exists:
Method toHash()
Returns the tags of this device as a hash, e.g.
$VAR1 = {
'TYPE' => 'swap',
'UUID' => '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123457890123',
This method uses Device::Blkid::blkid_tag_iterate_begin, Device::Blkid::blkid_tag_next, and Device::Blkid::blkid_tag_iterate_end to iterate over the device tags; you might as well call these functions yourself.
Bastian Friedrich, <bastian.friedrich at>
Device::Blkid 0.9 is expected to contain a number of memory leaks.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-device-blkid at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Device::Blkid
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Copyright 2009 Bastian Friedrich.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 294:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'