use strict;
use UNIVERSAL 'isa';
use NEXT;
use YAML 'LoadFile';
use Path::Class 'file';
our $VERSION = '0.03';
=head1 NAME
Catalyst::Plugin::Config::YAML - Configure your Catalyst application via an external
YAML file
use Catalyst 'Config::YAML';
__PACKAGE__->config('config_file' => 'config.yml');
This Catalyst plugin enables you to configure your Catalyst application with an
external YAML file instead of somewhere in your application code.
This is useful for example if you want to quickly change the configuration for
different deployment environments (like development, testing or production)
without changing your code.
The configuration file is assumed to be in your application home. Its name can
be specified with the config parameter C<config_file> (default is F<config.yml>).
For any keys in the configuration file that start with C<Catalyst::>, the
corresponding value is taken as the configuration for that class.
=item setup
sub setup {
my $c = shift;
my $config_file = $c->config->{'config_file'} || 'config.yml';
$config_file = file($c->config->{'home'}, $config_file) unless file($config_file)->is_absolute;
my $options = LoadFile($config_file);
foreach my $key (keys %$options) {
if (isa($key, 'Catalyst::Base')) {
$key->config(delete $options->{$key});
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Catalyst>, L<YAML>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Bernhard Bauer, E<lt>bauerb@in.tum.deE<gt>
Copyright 2005 by Bernhard Bauer
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.