Crypt::CFB - Encrypt Data in Cipher Feedback Mode


use Crypt::CFB;

my $cipher = new Crypt::CFB $key, 'Crypt::Rijndael';

my $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext);
my $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);

my $cipher2 = new Crypt::CFB $key, 'Digest::MD5';

$ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext);
$plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);


Generic CFB implementation in pure Perl. The Cipher Feedback Mode module constructs a stream cipher from a block cipher or cryptographic hash funtion and returns it as an object. Any block cipher in the Crypt:: class can be used, as long as it supports the blocksize and keysize methods. Any hash function in the Digest:: class can be used, as long as it supports the add method.


$cipher = new Crypt::CFB $key, $algorithm

Constructs a CFB object. If $algorithm is a block cipher, then $key should be of the correct size for that cipher. In most cases you can inquire the block cipher module by invoking the keysize method. If $algorithm is a hash function (Digest::), then $key can be of any size.

$ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt $plaintext

Encrypts $plaintext. The input is XORed with the keystream generated from the internal state of the CFB object and that state is updated with the output. $plaintext can be of any length.


Resets the internal state. Remember to do that before decrypting, if you use the same object.

$plaintext = $cipher->decrypt $ciphertext

Decrypts $ciphertext.


This is awfully slow. Some classes in Digest:: do not provide the add method, so they will fail. The implementation is a little baroque.


Matthias Bauer <>