This is Perl module App::jl.


The jl command allows you to show JSON log nicely. Especially, recursively decoded JSON in JSON string

$ echo '{"foo":"{\"bar\":\"{\\\"baz\\\":123}\"}"}' | jl
   "foo" : {
      "bar" : {
         "baz" : 123

A complecated log can be converted to nice JSON structure to treat a tool like jq .

echo '{"service":"Foo-Service","pod":"bar-baz-12345","message":"{\"log\":\"[PID:12345]<info>\\nThis is log message. foo, bar, baz, qux, long message is going to be splitted nicely to treat JSON by jq without any special function\",\"timestamp\":1560526739}"}' | jl -xxxx
   "message" : {
      "log" : [
            "This is log message. foo",
            "long message is going to be splitted nicely to treat JSON by jq without any special function"
      "timestamp" : "2019-06-15 00:38:59"
   "pod" : "bar-baz-12345",
   "service" : "Foo-Service"

Make logs more readable.


There are several ways to install,

1) The easiest way to install App::jl is

$ curl -L | perl - -M -n App::jl

2) If your cpanm (cpm or CPAN) is set up, you should just be able to do

$ cpanm App::jl

3) Clone it, then build it

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
# make install


App::jl is hosted on github


This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.


Dai Okabayashi <>