Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Merged - Mindnumbingly easy way to create a PluginBundle


   # Yes, three lines of code works!
   package Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Foobar;
   Moose::with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Merged';
   sub configure { shift->add_merged( qw[ Plugin1 Plugin2 Plugin3 Plugin4 ] ); }

   # Or, as a more complex example...
   package Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Foobar;
   use Moose;

   with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Merged' => {
      mv_plugins => [ qw( Plugin1 =Dist::Zilla::Bizarro::Foobar Plugin2 ) ],

   sub configure {
      my $self = shift;
         qw( Plugin1 @Bundle1 =Dist::Zilla::Bizarro::Foobar ),
         {},  # force no options on the following plugins
         qw( ArglessPlugin1 ArglessPlugin2 ),
         $self->config_rename(plugin_dupearg => 'dupearg', removearg => undef),
         qw( Plugin2 ),


This is a PluginBundle role, based partially on the underlying code from Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Git. As you can see from the example above, it's incredibly easy to make a bundle from this role. It uses Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy, so you have access to those same methods.



The add_merged method takes a list (not arrayref) of plugin names, bundle names (with the @ prefix), or full module names (with the = prefix). This method combines add_plugins & add_bundle, and handles all of the payload merging for you. For example, if your bundle is passed the following options:

arg1 = blah
arg2 = foobar

Then it will pass the arg1/arg2 options to each of the plugins, IF they support the option. Specifically, it does a $class->can($arg) check. (Bundles are passed the entire payload set.) If arg1 exists for multiple plugins, it will pass the same option to all of them. If you need separate options, you should consider using the config_rename method.

It will also accept hashrefs anywhere in the list, which will replace the payload arguments while it processes. This is useful for changing the options "on-the-fly" as plugins get processed. The replacement is done in order, and the changes will persist until it reaches the end of the list, or receives another replacement.


This method is sort of like the config_slice method, but is more implicit than explicit. It starts off with the entire payload (cloned), and renames any hash pair that was passed:

my $hash = $self->config_rename(foobar_arg1 => 'arg1');

This example will change the argument foobar_arg1 to arg1. This is handy if you want to make a specific option for the plugin "Foobar" that doesn't clash with arg1 on plugin "Baz":

   $self->config_rename(foobar_arg1 => 'arg1', killme => ''),

Any destination options are replaced. Also, if the destination value is undef (or non-true), the key will simply be deleted. Keep in mind that this is all a clone of the payload, so extra calls to this method will still start out with the original payload.



Certain configuration parameters are "multi-value" ones (or MVPs), and Config::MVP uses the mvp_multivalue_args sub in each class to identify which ones exist. Since you are trying to merge the configuration parameters of multiple plugins, you'll need to make sure your new plugin bundle identifies those same MVPs.

Because the INI reader is closer to the beginning of the DZ plugin process, it would be too late for add_merged to start adding in keys to your mvp_multivalue_args array. Thus, this role is parameterized with this single parameter, and comes with its own mvp_multivalue_args method. The syntax is a single arrayref of strings in the same prefix structure as add_merged. For example:

with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Merged' => {
   mv_plugins => [ qw( Plugin1 Plugin2 ) ],

The above will identify these two plugins has having MVPs. When Config::MVP calls your mvp_multivalue_args sub (which is built into this role), it will load these two plugin classes and populate the contents of their mvp_multivalue_args sub as a combined list to pass over to Config::MVP. In other words, as long as you identify all of the plugins that would have multiple values, your stuff "just works".

If you need to identify any extra parameters as MVPs (like your own custom MVPs or "dupe preventing" parameters that happen to be MVPs), you should consider combining mv_plugins with an after mvp_multivalue_args sub.


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Brendan Byrd <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Brendan Byrd.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

1 POD Error

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