Revision history for Perl extension Business::ISBN.
2.08 - Fri Sep 19 12:53:21 2014
Add increment and decrement to create new article numbers
(Markus Spann)
2.07 - Fri Jan 3 14:20:04 2014
Get rid of MYMETA
2.06 - Fri May 31 15:41:48 2013
Bump to a stable user release. There are no code changes.
2.05_03 - Sun Aug 5 14:50:30 2012
Fix test with now-valid group code (RT 78671)
2.05_01 - Tue Jul 19 07:12:18 2011
Update the URL for the Worldcat stuff so xisbn works.
Various distro cleanups.
2.05 - Sun Jan 25 00:00:17 2009
Updated for latest data in Business::ISBN::Data
2.04_01 - Mon Oct 27 12:08:03 2008
Revert the GD prereq. A lot of testers have borked GD
Require 5.8. Some of the new stuff isn't playing well with
2.04 - Sun Oct 26 18:29:20 2008
Fix tests that used 99902 as a bad prefix. That now
belongs to Gabon.
2.03 - Sat Oct 27 02:48:15 2007
adjustments to make png_barcode.t actually work (RT #30291)
2.03 - Tue Oct 2 03:17:34 2007
Fixed minor distro problems and bumped to release version 2.03
2.02_05 - Wed Sep 12 13:27:09 2007
Explore RT #29292. I don't seem to have the problem with
hyphens for ISBN-13, but let's see what CPAN Testers has to
2.02_04 - Sat Sep 1 14:55:00 2007
ISBN13 was returning "Bookland" for all groups, but
it shouldn't do that. Now it returns the same thing you'd
get from ISBN10 (e.g. "English", "German", ... ).
2.02_03 - Sat Sep 1 04:12:49 2007
RT 29089 - I had the wrong _max_length for ISBN13. That 13
is the hint that it should be 13. :)
2.02_02 - Sat Aug 25 05:57:22 2007
added exportable function valid_isbn_checksum that
takes care of all of the object stuff for you and just gives
you the answer. In previous docs, this was called is_valid_checksum
even though that conflicted with an object method. It was
documented but never implemented. Now it's there. :)
now should pass tests under 5.6.2, after a bit of
backporting. Upgrade already people! :)
2.02_01 - Fri Aug 17 14:00:51 2007
Don't import import() from Exporter. There are a lot of people
(apparently) using very old perls, not just CPAN Testers.
2.02 - Wed Aug 15 03:11:25 2007
fixes RT #28843: an ISBN-13 with a bad prefix shouldn't croak,
but return an object that explains the error.
2.01 - Sun Aug 12 22:28:01 2007
Official release of Business::ISBN to handle ISBN-13
Does not handle 979- numbers yet (need publisher data for that)
Does handle 978-numbers, which is the 10 digit ISBN with a
different "country code", so it uses the same publisher data
There are significant API changes to handle the new stuff. It's
not so bad, but test it before you rip out the old Business::ISBN
2.00_01 - Wed Mar 14 00:38:18 2007
Completely redone internals to handle ISBN-10 and ISBN-13
Some interface changes to Business::ISBN 1.x
Removed exportable functions.
1.84 - Tue Jan 9 23:10:00 2007
updated copyright and license info
no code changes, so no need to upgrade
1.82 - Sun Aug 14 11:42:18 2005
fixed up publisher code validation, since 0 can be a valid
code. I hadn't run into one of those before, and now I know
I wasn't doing that right.
This is an important code change. Everyone should upgrade.
1.81 - Sat Aug 13 22:08:40 2005
exposed the country group name as the country() method
1.80 - Tue Mar 8 16:58:47 2005
added POD coverage tests and documented the uncovered methods
it found
1.79 - Tue Dec 14 05:00:37 2004
Updated tests for new ISBN data: previously invalid ISBNs are now
valid. The latest data is in Business::ISBN::Data 1.09 and is current
as of November 2004.
You don't need this version of Business::ISBN if you already have it,
although you should get the latest Business::ISBN::Data.
1.78 - Sun Nov 21 19:46:40 2004
Require the latest version on Business::ISBN::Data, which was
unbundled in the last version. You need Business::ISBN::Data 1.08
to pass the latest tests that check for the new ranges the ISBN
folks assigned a couple of years ago.
1.77 - Wed Oct 27 02:39:17 2004
removed Business::ISBN::Data, which is now a separate module so
you can update the data without updating the rest of the stuff.
Previously, would install Business::ISBN::Data as a
prerequisite, and this distribution would come along and overwrite
it with old data. That was a bad thing.
1.76 - Fri Oct 8 16:12:51 2004
somehow this module went missing from CPAN, so here it is again
no need to upgrade if you have the previous version
1.74 - Thu Sep 2 17:17:20 2004
another distro fix: some documentation cleanups, and the README
is now in MANIFEST. You do not need to upgrade if you already
have installed this module.
1.73 - Thu Sep 2 16:21:10 2004
this is a distro fix only. if you already have Business::ISBN,
you don't need this
1.72 - Wed Feb 11 16:18:30 2004
removed errant File::Find::Rule use
Check for modules in png_barcode before require-ing them
1.71 - Wed Jan 28 13:00:38 2004
added xISBN support
removed File::Find::Rule, Test::Pod, Test::Prereq dependencies
1.69 Thu Sep 5 01:18:26 CDT 2002
documentation fixes - that's it
1.68 Wed Sep 4 15:51:29 CDT 2002
converted to Test::More
fixed ean_to_isbn to handle new EAN prefix 979
1.60 Sun Apr 1 17:06:28 EDT 2001
fixed some POD problems
no changes to the actual code
1.59 Tue Mar 27 11:51:42 EST 2001
fixed some -w dirty internals
clarified documentation for as_string method
1.58 Mon Mar 26 19:47:03 EST 2001
there was an error in that failed to
identify a bug. Andy Lester <>
found it though. the constructor was always
setting $obj->is_valid to BAD_CHECKSUM. that
is fixed.
version 1.57 should not be used at all. it
is severely broken due to that bug.
1.57 Wed Mar 21 18:07:17 EST 2001
fixed -w dirty line in is_valid_checksum
(identified by Andy Lester <>)
1.56 Mon Mar 12 10:03:37 EST 2001
fixed problem parsing ISBNs without valid
country codes which would cause an infinite
loop. (identified by Andy Lester <>)
this module is now kept in a local CVS repository
added symbolic constants to replace magic return
values. see the docs for details.
fixed is_valid_checksum which would issue warnings
if the string was less than ten characters
(identified by Adam Thompson <>)
added a which still needs more tests to
reach all of the code.
1.51 Wed Jan 24 14:22:02 EST 2001
version 1.5 fixed some bugs with checksums
version 1.51 has a few minor doc fixes
now we have sane version numbers. :)
20001010 Sat Sep 9 00:33:07 EDT 2000
fixed some missing arguments to _is_valid.
updated contact information
added some real tests to
everyone should update their installations
19990112 Mon Jan 11 18:03:07 EST 1999
added "use Exporter" which was missing.
19980901 Tue Sep 01 15:15:30 1998
added support for EAN-13 (isbn -> ean, ean -> isbn )
cleaned up other nagging problems
if you don't want EAN13, then you don't need this update
19980329 Sun Mar 29 03:29:16 1998
original version; created by h2xs 1.18
gutsy enough to actually release it for testing and comments