Mac::OSVersion - Get the Mac OS X system version


use Mac::OSVersion;

my $version = Mac::OSVersion->version; # 10.4.11
my @version = Mac::OSVersion->version; # (10, 4, 11, 'Tiger', '8.10.1' )

my $name    = Mac::OSVersion->name; # Tiger, etc.
my $name    = Mac::OSVersion->minor_to_name( 3 ); 'Panther';

my $major   = Mac::OSVersion->major;  # 10 of 10.4.11

my $minor   = Mac::OSVersion->minor;  # 4 or 10.4.11

my $point   = Mac::OSVersion->point;  # 11 of 10.4.11

my $build   = Mac::OSVersion->build;  # 8R2218

my $kernel  = Mac::OSVersion->kernel; # 8.10.1


Extract the values for the various OS numbers (Mac OS X version, build, kernel) using various methods. Methods may use other modules or external programs. So far this only works on the current machine.


version( METHOD );

In scalar context, returns the numeric version of OS X, e.g. 10.4.11.

In list context, returns the list of the major, minor, point, name, and kernel versions. Some methods may not return all values, but the values will always be in the same positions.

#  0       1       2       3      4       5
( $major, $minor, $point, $name, $build, $kernel );

The available methods are list in "Ways of collecting info". Use the subroutine name as METHOD. For instance:

my @list = Mac::OSVersion->version( 'gestalt' );

Returns the list of methods that version can use to do its work.

name( [METHOD] )

Returns the name of major version number, e.g. 'Tiger' 10.4.

METHOD optionally specifies the method to use to get the answer. See version for the possible values.

minor_to_name( MINOR )

Returns the name ( e.g. 'Tiger' ) for the given minor version number.

0	Cheetah
1	Puma
2	Jaguar
3	Panther
4	Tiger
5	Leopard
6	Snow Leopard
7	Lion
8	Mountain Lion
9	Mavericks
10	Yosemite
11	El Capitan
12	Sierra
13	High Sierra
14	Mojave
15	Catalina

Returns a list of the minor version numbers


Returns a list of the names of the minor versions ( e.g. qw(Cheetah Puma ... )

major( [METHOD] )

Returns the major version number, e.g. 10 or 10.4.11.

METHOD optionally specifies the method to use to get the answer. See version for the possible values. Not all methods can return an answer.

minor( [METHOD] )

Returns the major version number, e.g. 4 or 10.4.11.

METHOD optionally specifies the method to use to get the answer. See version for the possible values. Not all methods can return an answer.

point( [METHOD] )

Returns the point release version number, e.g. 11 or 10.4.11.

METHOD optionally specifies the method to use to get the answer. See version for the possible values. Not all methods can return an answer.

build( [METHOD] )

Returns the point release version number, e.g. 11 or 10.4.11.

METHOD optionally specifies the method to use to get the answer. See version for the possible values. Not all methods can return an answer.

kernel( [METHOD] )

Returns the kernel version number, e.g. 8.10.1.

METHOD optionally specifies the method to use to get the answer. See version for the possible values. Not all methods can return an answer.

Ways of collecting info

There isn't a single way to get all of the info that version wants to provide, and some of the ways might give different answers for the same installation. Not all methods can return an answer. Here's a table of which methods return what values:

		default    system_profiler   sw_vers      gestalt    uname

major     x          x                 x            x
minor     x          x                 x            x
point     x          x                 x            x
name      x          x                 x            x
build     x          x                 x
kernel    x          x                                         x

Uses several methods to collect information.


Only uses gestaltSystemVersion from Mac::Gestalt to get the major, minor, point, and name fields. This has the curious bug that the point release number will not be greater than 9.

In scalar context, returns the version as "10.m.p". In list context, returns the same list as version, although some fields may be missing.


Only uses /usr/bin/sw_vers to get the major, minor, point, build, and name fields.

In scalar context, returns the version as "10.m.p". In list context, returns the same list as version, although some fields may be missing.


Only uses /usr/sbin/system_profiler to get the major, minor, point, build, and name fields.

In scalar context, returns the version as "10.m.p". In list context, returns the same list as version, although some fields may be missing.


System Software Overview:

  System Version: Mac OS X 10.4.10 (8R2218)
  Kernel Version: Darwin 8.10.1
  Boot Volume: Tiger
  Computer Name: macbookpro
  User Name: brian d  foy (brian)

Only uses uname -a to get the kernel field.

In scalar context, returns the kernel version. In list context, returns the same list as version, although some fields may be missing.


* How does the API look if there is a Mac OS 11?

* Specify a remote machine


  • /usr/bin/sw_vers

  • /usr/sbin/system_profiler

  • /usr/bin/uname

  • Mac::Gestalt


This module is in Github


brian d foy, <>


Copyright © 2007-2018, brian d foy <>. All rights reserved.

You may redistribute this under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.